Reddit Writing Prompt Search

Harry, Ron and Hermione aren't actually wizards or in the wizarding world. They are high on drugs and hallucinating throughout their journeys. The cops are Dementors and Dumbledore is a crazy old homeless man.
It was then Harry Potter realized the last 7 years in Hogwarts was actually a mental institute. The man he thought to be Dumbledore was just an elderly caretaker. Harry, looking at an old broken twig he once believed was a wand, started to remember what really happened during those years.
You are an unimportant background character in Hogwarts. It's Harry Potter's third year and while he is off dealing with dementors and the imminent threat of Sirius Black, noone else seems to notice that Dumbledore has been replaced by a completely different old man except for you.
You decide to prank your newborn kid by having him read Harry Potter series and convincing him it's real and that he is a wizard as well. You fake a Hogwarts letter, drive him to King's Cross station and wait for the moment he crashes into the pillar. He goes straight through.
In an alternate reality JK Rowling died writing The Deathly Hallows and requested George RR Martin finish the book. He accepted and takes over at the Battle of Hogwarts with no instruction on how it's supposed to end.
After the Battle of Hogwarts, Dudley met a woman and they had a daughter,Sophie. Sophie is the light of their lives,she's always been a pleasant child. The morning of Sophie's 11th birthday,there’s a knock at the door. Harry is here to visit his cousin for the first time in almost 20 years.
All of your siblings, papart from you, have attended a prestigious wizarding school. Now, after all these years, they're back in your "regular" world... and don't even know how an oven works.
The Wizarding World has never met someone like the speedcaster. He can summon more than 10 spells in less than 30 seconds. He says he's from another world, where there a more people like him called 'rappers'.
In his retirement, a master mage begins writing children’s books. Each with an enchantment designed to highlight the books message. Your child received one as a birthday gift.
You work as a high school librarian and an informant/recruiter for the local witch coven. Today you found a boy with the most powerful aura you've ever seen trying to return a damaged copy of "macbeth"
As the last living descendant of the world’s greatest wizard/witch, you have inherited their grimoire. The only issue, you HATE all things magical and have dedicated your life to science.
You're a fraud. Your parents are wizards, your siblings are wizards, but you are not. However, the wizardry school still sent you an invite - apparently, they didn't know you weren't born with powers. So, now you're trying to fake your way through school just with stage magic.
The magical ability tests results got leaked... what nobody expected was some rando to be the most powerful mage at the academy
After a decade into the great wizard war, everyone finally ran out of spell slots/mana.
"Do you know who usually wins a magic duel when it turns into a fistfight? The answer is: the magician who first realises that the duel has turned into a fistfight."
A magical student gets in over her head experimenting with portal panties...
A magical student gets in over her head experimenting with portal panties...
Death is patient, for everyone will die eventually... except for wizards. death hates wizards.
A young witch casts a love spell on her crush, over the next couple of days the two become close and he's all she can think about. One day he invites her over to his house and she finds a familiar book in his room, with a familiar spell written inside.
One of the magical universities longest running traditions was games between the incoming freshman boys to determine which of them would be transformed into girls to keep the others company in the boys dorms...
Oh look, a new reaction channel video: "Professional Wizard & Witch Rate Movie Magic Scenes | How Realistic Is It?"
You are a browsing your local bookstore when you see an odd book called "A Rabbit's Tricks" it's a book that teaches you how to cast spells. The problem is every spell has something to do with sex.
Wizard teleports by accident into the bed room of a paladin in an all female order and must wait several days as men are not allowed in their castle and the opportunities to escape are few and far between and his magic is all over the place after the spell.
You're a 12 year-old in a world domintated by magic. A small, feeble man appears on your doorstep claiming: "You're a scientist, Henry"
You study magic at the top school in the world. Your village saved every penny to send you, but you suck. You find the spells hard to pronounce and memorize. They always feel odd, till one day you discover something called a "dictionary" and you see everyone is pronouncing them incorrectly.
The chosen one is task in defeating a dark lord but comes to discover not only is the dark lord a benevolent ruler but manages to forge a friendship with her. Their own sense of morality is put to the test when their friendship with the dark lord turns into something more.
The princess, locked in the tower, had only books to learn about the outside world from. The books taught her about 2 things: magic and bdsm.
Despite learning from one of the greatest wizards in the world, you're utterly horrible at magic. Then you discover why: he/she deliberately trained you incorrectly as a sick joke.
Contrary to popular belief witch and wizard aren't actually gendered terms. Witchcraft and wizardry are distinct schools of magic that can be learned by anyone. You are a male witch/female wizard and are sick of explaining this.
At a magic school, a student accidentally discovers a spell that makes her teacher horny. The teacher tries to maintain her composure while a room full of bored teenagers decides what to do with this new knowledge. Repeated uses of the spell stack.
Everyone has magical control over a single thing. When a person finds thier domain, they are called The (blank) Witch/Wizard. You don't seem to have a domain. That is, until one faitful day at a pizza shop, where you find it. Now begins your legend. Now begins the legend of The Pinball Wizard.
You are a poor child going to a popular magic school at your mentors insistence, telling you to "broaden your horizon." But when you get there you realise everyone is doing magic differently to what your mentor taught. They use silly chants and carry big ugly books around.
All wizards use wands to cast their spells. As a wand maniac, you've stuffed your wand with all kinds of upgrades and now it's the size of a pillar.
"Why on earth did you teach your insane student the Dark Arts!?" "Yeah, in hindsight that was not one of my better ideas." "You think!? Go rein them in!"
You're the wizard's apprentice, and of course the first few years involve running errands and doing other tasks. He hands you a daily schedule, but to your confusion the total hours for the different tasks add up to more than 24. "Figure it out" He says, "I chose you for a reason."
You had always fantasized about fucking a Wizard girl... that is, until she had you bound in ethereal ropes and was going down on you. Ignore that sinking feeling and give in. She knows best now.
It's not uncommon for wizards to give their children unnecessarily complicated and strange names. Why? The more ridiculous the baby's name, the more magically gifted it will be.
You are attending a school for wizards, where they learn to do magic. You are terrible at doing the steps to cast spells, but to everyone's anger it keeps working and you can spell cast no problem. Unknown to you, and everyone else, this is because you are actually a sorcerer
You have just been hired as the janitor at an academy of magic. This is of course the most prestigious role in the entire academy. As you are required to have extensive knowledge on everything magical in order to handle any contaminants, mutants, demons, etc.
Sexy fantasy prince is pulled into our modern world by the yearning wishes of a lonely, horny bookworm.
You’ve found a spell book. All the spells inside are sexual in nature, or deal with it in some way. You have a few ideas on who you can try it on.
A young female knight starts to develop a mutual crush on a bookish apprentice mage...
“Hold on, what do you mean magic doesn’t work in Portugal?!?” “I know, it’s confused a lot of other mages too. But we’ve all agreed to leave it like that since it’s nice to have somewhere you don’t have to worry about being cursed or hexed.”
You only know 1 spell, but that spell made you known as the most powerful mage in the world.
Ever since she got her tattoo of that weird symbol she saw in that book of spells, she's been feeling hornier, and her body has been getting sexier...
Due to a clerical error the soul of the one destined to be the Dark Lord, leader of the armies of darkness, scourge of all that is good and holy is sent to a loving household and grows up to be a well adjusted individual that just happens to have unfathomable eldritch powers
The wizard finishes his spell, leans in and whispers in your ear: "Submit".
You're a mage student in a world where magic requires spoken incantations or hand movements. Your rival, who you've always had subtle romantic tension with suddenly exploits that fact by pinning you to the wall and kissing you during a spar against them.
Wizards are often depicted as being lone, reclusive researchers tinkering with new magics all alone in their towers for decades. However as the scientific process developed so too did the magical process, now wizards work in research teams, all spells are peer reviewed and papers are published
Due to a wizard's botched summoning attempt, an engineering college student's textbooks wind up transported to a fantasy world, whereupon they're found by a dwarf craftsman who's down on his luck.

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