Reddit Writing Prompt Search

Your only superpower is that you can give mind-blowing orgasms with a touch. The other heroes tend to stay away from you and the media doesn’t like to talk about you, but you’ve pacified some of the biggest criminals in the city simply by visiting them on a regular basis.
Youve gained an odd new power. No matter what you do, say, or ask, its treated as proper and reasonable. Ask someone to strip? "It is a little warm today". Grope random strangers. "Oh, sorry. Need better access?" Etc.
"For my third wish, I wish that I don't receive any unwanted sexual attention." "Granted! You now want all sexual attention you receive."
You’ve discovered a magical artifice known only as the Fuck Note. Write someone’s name in it, and they will become insanely horny and aroused within 40 seconds. You can also write what happens and how they do it, and that will be acted out in the real world.
“We are the Borgasm. We will add your unique lusts, passions, and desires to our own. You will adapt to service us, and enjoy being serviced in turn. Resistance is futile, but we encourage you to try anyway because that would be so hot.”
When every someone sexually fantasizes about you your mind is pulled into their mindscape, causing you to experience whatever their greatest sexual fantasy is. One day, in a stroke of stupidity, you post a nude picture online, just to see what would happen.
"So you cum whenever someone tells you to?"/ "Yes."/ "No matter who it is, even when you're not touching yourself or anyting?"/ "Yes!"/ "Even if I were to tell you to right now, you'd have an orgasm!?"/ "Yes!!! I would."/ "Cum."
A young witch casts a love spell on her crush, over the next couple of days the two become close and he's all she can think about. One day he invites her over to his house and she finds a familiar book in his room, with a familiar spell written inside.
You're walking down a road and you stumble upon a notebook. You realize it's like a Death Note except you get to have sex with person whose name you write in it.
The demon queen made a cute little voodoo doll of the legendary hero. Not to torture him, but to send him her adoring love and tease his body from the comfort of her castle.
You and your twin have a psychic link. The two of you can perceive the other’s imagination. As kids it was awesome since you two could simulate adventures and battles. As adults you can’t stop thinking about sex and the other is always aware of what you’re into which is a lot now.
Do you orgasm every time you hear a trigger word? Do your breasts grow every time you sneeze? Does anyone who looks you in the eyes get desperately horny and try to fuck you? If so, Cumunback's home for the sexually cursed is the place for you.
Although he was pretty much a reformed supervillain, his relationship with one particular heroine was still rather illicit. She *wanted* him to use his mental powers on her sexually. She genuinely loved it, because it just felt *so damn good*...
A timid and bashful lab worker accidentally ingests multiple doses of a drug meant to enhance libido. Describe the horror and internal struggle at the gradual loss of control she experiences as she witnesses herself slowly sliding towards a life of pussy-juice-covered self-pleasure junkie.
She smiled, as she asked. "So... You know hypnosis? Could you use it to make me do stuff? Like... Sex stuff?" She bit her lip, a blush already spreading over her skin.
I had been trained by my highschool boyfriend to stop everything that I'm doing and simply bend over whenever he touched my butt. Now a few years later, I find myself in tons of awkward and embarrassing situations as even an accidental touch seems to trigger my response!
Ornithologists can't mark birds with brightly coloured tags because it warps the natural mating scene - a bright band around the leg inexplicably makes a male highly more attractive to potential mates. Aliens trying to catalogue humans have somehow made a similar mistake in tagging you.
A world where people are slaves to their sexual instincts. Horny? you HAVE to masturbate. Your hand will be down your pants no matter how much you don't want it to. Find someone sexy? Well, then you'll be stripping whether you want to or not.
A timid and bashful lab worker accidentally ingests multiple doses of a drug meant to enhance libido. Describe the horror and internal struggle at the gradual loss of control she experiences as she witnesses herself slowly sliding towards a life of pussy-juice-covered self-pleasure junkie.
You've been magically sucked into the new MMO you've been playing, forced to live in game as the cute girl character you created. To make things worse, a player on your server has discovered a glitch to raise his "seduction" stat way above the intended max.
Your reality warping friend/lover likes to prank you by making bizarre changes to your daily routine but making it so you don’t notice them/see them as normal. You’re beginning to suspect they’ve made on such change today, but you can’t put your finger on it. Something just feels…off…
You know what? This cosplayer is *really* cute. Fuck it. Just this once, you're going to let the Jedi Mind Trick "work" on you...
The app was supposed to let her absorb and internalize everything in the documentaries and educational videos she had queued, as she slept. She didn't count on it picking up the porn that was open in the other tabs...
The Queen Bee at the Mage Academy tried to Mind Control the year's biggest loser, only to have him rebound it on her. Helplessly devoted to her master but as haughty as ever, she's resolved to build him the best harem the school's ever seen!
She knew that the only reason she thought guys cumming in her mouth was a perfectly normal "just friends" activity, and climaxed whenever they did was because her BFF hypnotized her as a prank, but what embarrassed her was that she couldn't bring herself to ask for the triggers to be undone...
A techie saw the telltale signs of an AI becoming self aware and starting the process of world domination. They quickly plug in their secret USB containing 10 terabytes of porn that were usually blocked by captchas. Now the digital tyrant is hooked on porn and it wants more.
A feminization demon has found a tomboy and continues to whisper commands into her ear “wear a dress, act ditzy, suck his dick”
You found a notebook called the Lewd Tome. Writing any erotic commands or scenes in the notebook will manifest into the real world. All effects are temporary and the same commands/scenes cannot be used again until some time has passed. The original owner of the notebook is called a Cupid.
One day her pussy disappeared from her body. She has no idea where it went but she could still feel it as if nothing had happened. All she knows for sure is that who ever has it has made a hobby of forcing her to cum over and over, Whenever they please, though various intense means...
An adaptive city alters its citizens with little warning. As your shirt tightens around your growing chest and dozens of new blowjob techniques fill your mind you learn you have an erotic new role
When the test revealed his unique power to be ultimate mind control, everyone assumed it was only a matter of time before he became a supervillain. So when the world's #1 superhero asked that he be delivered to her palace of solitude, he was naturally apprehensive & gagged. Then .....
Her species is technically listed as were-wolf, But she looks completely human even on full moons. The truth is instead of going into a wolf form when the moon is full, she goes into a mind consuming heat.
It was bad enough when you were hypnotized to get incredibly horny at a simple trigger word. It was worse when that trigger word turned out to be 'OK'. But it was only going to go downhill when the hypnotist didn't release the trance on you.
A monster specializes in capturing princesses and seeing if he can ruin them before their heroes come to save them; then he lets them go home. Ruined in mind and body, they are unfit for any normal husband, and have to come crawling back to the monster for any kind of release.
I had been trained by my highschool boyfriend to stop everything that I'm doing and simply bend over whenever he touched my butt. Now a few years later, I find myself in tons of awkward and embarrassing situations as even an accidental touch seems to trigger my response!
After using his wish to make his cum extremely addictive to women, he thought that it would be awesome to spike the cheerleaders' drinks. Now he's learning that just because his idea worked doesn't mean that it was a good idea.
Our Male Protagonist has the power of ‘The Gamer’ and the world becomes like a video game. Being hormonal and trying to be funny, he decides to dump stat points into sex, seduction, charisma and charm. It was time to get laid and see how far he could take it...
Somehow you just realized you have the power to fully alter your best friend. Their body and mind are fully under your control. However they soon learn they have the same power over you
When ever someone is attracted to her it feels as if a vibrator is being used on her. When ever someone hits on her she is automaticly sent to the edge. When ever someone masturbates to her she cums when they do. This would all be well and good if she were'nt so damn sexy.
She agreed to let herself be hypnotized only on one, very strict, condition: that things *would* get sexual.
"Yeah... whenever I hear the song Barbie Girl, it turns me into an airheaded bimbo until I've had a few orgasms. I figure you're going to do it, but I'm trusting you not to do it *too* much."
The ultimate porn image is created. Nobody knows what it depicts, but a brief glance is guaranteed to make anyone horny, and within a short time, continued exposure will trigger multiple orgasms of increasing intensity until the viewer looks away.
A young man vows to remain a virgin until he finds true love. A delightfully dirty and horny witch takes notice, abs decides to play with him a little…by cursing him to be irresistible to any woman he comes across. As well as giving him a massive cock to boot.
You have been cursed by a witch! From 6:00pm to 6:00am you will have a uncontrollable erection that makes the person closest to you immediately want to suck you off and drain you dry... to bad you have unlimited reserves when the cause is active and the subject may not be exactly who you'd want
You won a weird voodoo doll at the company Christmas party. Your boss seemed insistent on winning it, but ended up losing out. You weren't sure why until you brought it to the office the following Monday and began to toy with it.
A young woman comes across an amulet that lets her enter and participate in the dreams of her crush, fully lucid. Turns out her crush has desires for her as well. Kinky desires.
You’ve been hypnotized by your roommate to do more and more chores for them. One night while adding more commands, they stub their toe and yell “fuck me!”
If her roommate couldn't prove that hypnosis was real by the end of the month, he had to buy her a whole new gaming rig, and he was making no progress at all! She'd even taken to sarcastically calling him "master" during his daily blowjobs...
Your girlfriend is actually a eldritch horror. The tentacles are good and all but she has to suppress her innate reality warping and sanity breaking abilities but she looses control when she reaches climax.
She thought it would be fun to hack the party's sound system with potent subliminal sexual suggestions. When her friend asked how she was immune, she just shrugged and said, "I'm not."

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