Reddit Writing Prompt Search

You won't hold heroes hostages to torture them. You won't throw a hero against a wall once you have them by the neck. You sure won't start monologuing if you have a hero at gunpoint. You're the deadliest villain in history. A villian without an ego.
You're a supervillian. Your power? Making anybody and everybody nearby feel the same emotion you feel except 100x stronger. Mostly you've been using it to force people to donate absolutely all their life's savings into charities. Superheros aren't quite sure how to deal with you.
A supervillain erases 30 years worth of memories from every hero he meets, just to put them out of business. One day he accidentally does this to a senile old man, and he finds out the hard way that he’s met the former strongest superhero
You're the unappreciated intern for a famous group of Superheroes. Your power? You can boil water. All you do is make tea for them while they laugh and drink in their hideout. Little do they know that you've got dreams of becoming the Worst Villain ever. After all, a human is over 70% water...
You're a villain that fell in love with a hero. Though the strongest villain on the planet, you constantly lose to your hero, since you just love the rivalry and don't want it to end. As you are being arrested one day, your hero is attacked by another villain, one too strong for them to beat.
You are a superhero, no one knows about your alter ego. Not even your spouse. You return home tired and disappointed one day after failing to capture your archnemises. You enter your bedroom to find your spouse struggling to get out of the costume of your archnemises.
You are a B-list superhero on the verge of losing your job. During a battle with a villain, you accidentally end up killing one of the most prolific superheros of your time. That's when you realize that with your niché power that was useless as a hero, you could be an A-list supervillain.
In a world where lying doesn't exist, you are the worst supervillain: Technically True Man.
"Shark Tank" but instead of an entrepreneur pitching inventions, it's villains pitching diabolical plots.
You, a villain, heart set on taking over the world, kidnapped the hero’s sidekick. You find out that you are treating them much better than the hero was and decide to take them under your wing.
You're the town's superhero. Your greatest enemy is the town's supervillian. However, secretly, your both brothers. This isn't anything tragic, as your whole destructive rivalry is actually just a massive prank on your third brother, the mayor.
The most dangerous super villains are not locked up, instead they are turned into children and sent to a childless farmer couple in rural Kansas to be fostered and turned into productive members of society. This is the Kent Rehab Program.
You're a 21st century Super-villain with a Doomsday device and a ransom message to the world. But the internet is so flooded with garbage you can't get any traction on your Tweets and videos, and no one's seeing the message.
The heroes confront you with the legendary mystical weapon that can defeat you. Unbeknownst to them, it's actually the one thing you needed to conquer the world. You were having trouble finding it, so you started the legend of the weapon yourself, to get some poor schmuck to find it for you.
The most difficult part of being a Supervillian? Find love, not because other people won't like you, but because the stupid Superheros will swoop in and "rescue" your date every time, but this time you have a plan, and it's going to work.
You're a super-villain who took over the world because you thought you'd do a better job of running it and you were right. You've created a peaceful, just, equal and scientifically driven global society everyone likes, except for a cadre of former super-heroes who are now radical terrorists.
You are a minor supervillain. Your antics aren't illegal, but they're quite devastating to the local hero population. You replace the flimsy fruit stands that are frequently destroyed in car chases throughout the city with nearly indestructible replicas.
The world's greatest villain and hero clearly like each other. His monologues when she's captured tend to turn to conversation, and she "accidentally" lets him escape arrest. While they're convinced they're enemies, his henchman and her sidekick are just trying to get them together already.
The Villain uncovers the Hero's true identity, and targets his family. Unfortunately, the Hero's spouse is a retired villain even more powerful than the current one.
You're a prison psychiatrist being yelled at by your boss; every supervillain you've treated has gotten over their obsessions and hang ups, and become vastly more efficient and dangerous once free.
Your father comes from a long line of superheroes. Your mother comes from a long line of supervillains. Every year, against your parents wishes, your relatives come together to celebrate your birthday. It's your eleventh birthday and the city's evacuated as your relatives start to arrive.
Instead of being a super villain like your parents, you ended up joining a company. Now your wildly successful and quite frankly much more closer to world domination than your parents. Your parents can't handle it.
You managed to retire from the supervillain game long ago, when you became a parent. Now, your grandchild has inadvertently been kidnapped by an upstart villain, and you're about to show them why the world (rightfully) feared you.
You are the villain's right hand man and you are the true power behind their criminal empire. The villain would never have achieved their status as a super villain without you, so when the hero finally arrested the villain, nothing actually changed.
A Supervillain from the 30s flung into the modern day tries to continue their life of villainly. But finds their ransoms are laughably small, their riddle traps are foiled by boxes the civilians carry and their plan to kill the global elite is getting a lot less pushback than expected…
You are the child of two famous superheroes and their nemesis has kidnapped you in the hopes of getting under their skin. A week later your parents still haven't come to rescue you.
The villain held your power ring in their hand, “With this out of the way your powers shall no longer work, relent.” You look at them and began chuckling before breaking out into maniacal laughter, “that doesn’t give me power, it gives me empathy dipshit.”
You own a construction company that especiallise on supervillians hideouts, you make tones of money and usually work in paradise islands, but dealing with your clients and keeping their ideas within OSHA standards is not an easy job
You are a supervillain who's in reality much, much more powerful that any of the heroes. Your "villainous schemes" they stop are in reality just small, unimportant parts of a bigger picture that is beyond their comprehension. Today they found out and it is finally time for you to drop the mask.
You are a supervillain with healing powers. The only reason your labelled a supervillain because the American healthcare system is intimidated by you
"Yes, but just because I *can* crack reality open like an egg and reign as a galactic conquerer doesn't mean that I *want* to. I want to be the silly nemesis of a street level hero"
After a superhero destroyed your home and killed your family during a fight you swore you would have your vengeance and destroy the heroes once and for all. You may only be a rat but that is not going to stop you.
You are an above-average villain. You have it all, power, fame, enough comfort and even a nemesis. Of course, he is almost like your best friend. And if that wasn't enough, you also have a beautiful family, kids and all. One day, your find out that your nemesis has been abusing his sidekick.
Knowing the hero would call upon the power of friendship to win against them, the villain simply killed all the hero's friends. What he didn't expect is what the power of grief looked like.
You're a superhero's sidekick. But he doesn't pay you, so you're also moonlighting as the minion of a supervillain your hero never faces. Until one day, he does.
Most villains betray their henchmen and right hands when things get tough. But not you. You stick by them and they go through hell and back for you. Always.
You are a superhero, who also happens to be a therapist. Your supervillain nemesis has just captured you and is giving the usual “love and friendship is for the weak” speech. You can’t help but ask, “Dude, who hurt you?”
You were the only child that didn't have powers in a family of metahumans. Today you got kidnapped by a supervillain... and none of your family came to the rescue.
You are a superhero in the countryside and mostly deal with low level villains and petty crimes, but that doesn't mean you are weak. So when a full-fledged villain suddenly turned up on your doorstep you found them significantly easier to handle than your condescending big city colleagues.
You are a Superhero, one of many in your city. There's a local Supervillain, who always plays up the comedic side of his vast incompetence, to the point that you and your fellow heroes enjoy seeing him. Today, a new, cocky Superhero killed his minion. The Supervillain's reaction shocked you.
You’re a supervillain that was working on a grand scheme until the hero came by, massacred hundreds of your minions, and foiled your plans. Now at their mercy, you closed your eyes and accepted your death when suddenly they let you go, claiming that if they kill you, they’ll be just like you.
"We shall defeat you villain! With the power of friendship!" "I have friends too you dick"
"so you are telling me, that you, a super genius super villain, is just here to rob the bank, no deep plot or philosophical metaphor about society, you just want the money?"the hero asks, "thank god"
You used to be the scourge of kingdoms, the reaper of heroes and the mere mention of your name scared even the toughest of them. But today no one remembers you and you are fine with that. You have lived in peace ever since until one day a stranger approaches you and calls you by your true name.
You're a retired S-tier supervillain. After you retired, you married a B-tier hero. You are forced back onto the stage when an A-tier villain attempts to kill your spouse.
"I should've been a hero instead of following my family's legacy" a villain sighed to himself while rescuing civillians trapped under the rubbles of destroyed buildings caused by the reckless and arrogant hero who's still telling the fakest story to his Twitch fans while striking poses
Rule 12 of the Official Evil Villain Rulebook™ states that "One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that they spot will be corrected." You, as the local villain you decide to do just that. It soon turns out your plans have quite a few flaws in them.
The world's most powerful superhero have gone rogue. All the remaining heroes and villains are helpless on their own. So they must free the hero's greatest enemy, who is sealed away in a supposedly impenetrable prison.
You, a D-list villain, like to make sure that all the kid superheroes you fight study, so you weave bits of their lessons into your evil schemes.
“Why would you choose that monster over me!” The hero yelled at their former protégé, who stood beside the villain. The protégé answered, “Because they treated me like a child, not a foot soldier.”

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