Reddit Writing Prompt Search

At the age of 16 everyone gets teleported into a small room. In front of you is a table with all kinds of meals from apples to gourmet meats. Whatever you take a bite of will determine what superpower you'll get. You are the first Person to take a bite of the table itself
A welder named Jack drives home at night, and accidentally runs over another Jack, a plumber. The Skill of Plumbing immediately downloads into his brain, together with a notification: "WELCOME TO THE GAME, JACK. KILL OR BE KILLED, THE CHOICE IS YOURS. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE JACK OF ALL TRADES".
The Sol system was an experiment by aliens to determine if life would evolve under hyper hostile physics. Unfortunately, it was forgotten about. Years later, humans are leaving the solar system, only to discover that upon passing an invisible barrier, they essentially gain superpowers.
A supervillain erases 30 years worth of memories from every hero he meets, just to put them out of business. One day he accidentally does this to a senile old man, and he finds out the hard way that he’s met the former strongest superhero
You been a bullied outcast your entire life despite your pure heart and kindness. One day a horrible prank for you goes wrong, leaving you to die. Before your final breath, Death appears in white robes, and offers you a golden scythe with a name engraved on it: Karma.
The Suit is powerfull. A mech for some, body armor for others, always unique to each person who wore it. Those who wear it, hear the words "not original user, booting basic mode" As a joke, your sergeant gives you The Suit and the first thing you hear is: "User detected: Welcome back, Commander"
A day before the Earth is destroyed by a collision with a rouge planet, time freezes. You, a completely normal person are untouched and cannot die. Text on your arm appears that reads, "however long it takes, save us".
Everyone has magical control over a single thing. When a person finds thier domain, they are called The (blank) Witch/Wizard. You don't seem to have a domain. That is, until one faitful day at a pizza shop, where you find it. Now begins your legend. Now begins the legend of The Pinball Wizard.
A phenomena begins to occur where newborn babies are found amidst the aftermath of natural disasters. Tsunamis, avalanches, wild fires, destructive lightning storms, etc. These 'Storm-Born' humans grow up with powers based on the disasters that birthed them.
"How did a mere peasant become the most powerful hero in the land? Sure you're immortal but that can't be all" "Well you'd be surprised how many artifacts will grant you ultimate power in exchange for your life."
"You think I'm trying to get revenge for my father that was the king or lord or whatever title you could pull out of your head? No, my father was one of those incompetent and harmless guards you killed!
You were once an adventurer but when was turned to stone. Your party tried to save you but it was too late, so they place you in the center of a town they founded, now years later an army marches onto that town and with every once of willpower you try to move…and with groan you take a step.
'Dragon' isn't the name of a particular creature, but a title granted to any being that attains a certain level of legendary power. Anything can become a Dragon, from a wyvern to a human, to a stag, or even a cat. Write a story about an unlikely Dragon.
A hero's work never ends. You became a litch out of necessity. The next hero would not be summoned for another thousand years and you were old. You planned to stay around long enough to pass the safety of the world on to the next.
You just found out you’re a superhuman. You have everything that comes with that, super strength, speed, and the ability to not need to eat or sleep. This is good until your friends start realizing you haven’t eaten in a while, causing them to have a surprise intervention.
She's a battle-scarred, jaded super-soldier loaded with biomechanical upgrades and chemical augments. All she wants to do is wear cute clothes and paint.
Nearly all your life you lived on the streets. People ignored you at best and reviled you at worst. Then you got superpowers and those same people begin to lecture you about “altruism,” “duty,” and “responsibility.”
A convention where every cosplayer unexpectedly physically transforms into their character.
You were the only child that didn't have powers in a family of metahumans. Today you got kidnapped by a supervillain... and none of your family came to the rescue.
You're the first test subject for an experimental super soldier serum. You are told the truth only after you transform into something not quite human anymore.
“So my mom is half-Fae, and my dad is half-dragon; that’s where my powers come from. How about you?” “I’m half-mermaid on my mom’s side, hence the wheelchair.” Your new magic school roommates suddenly turn to you. “What about you?”
You were born without powers, which made you the black sheep of your superhero family. Eventually, you became the director of an agency that deals with superheroes (a la Nick Fury), and now you are the boss of the family that shunned and picked on you.
You started a young hero with bright eyes full of hope. Decades have left you with nothing but cold, cruel logic. It has gotten you here to the last moment of your last battle with the final evil. Here, with a last desperate spell, the villain forces you to recognize what you've become.
"Just because a lab accident turned me into a monster doesn't mean I'm just going to stop my experiments. Hell, my tranformation has given me a whole new avenue of research for me to investigate."
On a random day everyone is given a super power based on what they were doing in that moment, people who were reaching for something can now stretch like elastic, people who were running now have super speed. You really wish you were doing something else when it happened...
In a family of superheroes, you're the only one without any. Your siblings tease you so much that you go to a treatment center that gives people powers, even if you risk your life on a seemingly debunked treatment.
None of your superhero colleagues were born with their powers and instead all built themselves gadgets and powersuits to compensate. You are the only superhero who was born with their powers, although they didn't know that, until a villain thought they had disabled your suit.
You were disowned by your family after being accused of a crime you didn’t commit. You end up getting adopted by your superhero mentor who believe in your innocence. After being proven innocent, your former family want you back
After your entire family was killed by the villain, your older sibling set out to avenge them. They left you behind, promising they would return once they were successful. Although they were victorious, the person that returned home was no longer your sibling, but a complete stranger.
You were the only child of a super-powered couple born without powers. You made peace with this, and through hard work you became very rich. Unfortunately, since finding out about your wealth your family keep bugging you to fund their superhero activities and you've had enough.
A friend you haven’t talked with in years has recently undergone a strange, inexplicable transformation, and gained a new set of abilities. For whatever reason, you’re the first person they think to tell.
She huffed and heaved, sweating heavily. "I am... the most powerful... magical girl on this cotinent, and..." "You have no idea how to throw a punch. Now, back at it. Ten more minutes."
You had just found out that your mom is a former magical girl, and your dad is a powerful monster she had faced in the past in the most embarrassing way possible.
You've Been One Of The Most Powerful Superheroes Since You Were A Teenager. Recently You've Lost Your Powers So Now You're Training With One Of The Best Non-Powered Superheroes, Because You Refuse To Stop Helping People.
You failed to stop the world from being taken over and died in the process. Now, 40 years later, you've been brought back to life and given a second chance.
A magical girl/boy's transformation matches their unconscious desires. If they want to look cool, they'll look cool. If they want to look sexy, they'll look sexy. If they have a fetish...
Manifesting superpowers can be confusing and chaotic. Sometimes they involve involuntary deaths. You find yourself in a courtroom the day after you manifested your powers.
"Every hero has a backstory. Every villain has one too. But nothing significant ever happened in my life. And yet, here I am shattered, just like the rest of them."
In a world with super powers your family is tasked with disabling the powers of criminals, well you were born with a rare variation of your family's power.
An accident in the lab has given a horny college student telekinesis. The student body soon finds itself beset by sexy shenanigans and earth shattering orgasms.
You sign up for an experimental gene therapy to cure a chronic, terminal illness. Upon waking up, the doctor says "The treatment was a success, and we've taken the liberty to add a few things".
Despite being a guy, you were happy to transform into the magical heroine to help protect your city. At least, you were until you discovered what it took to change back...
While we appreciate your passion for the protection of Earth, the Terran Defense Force doesn't recruit 60 year olds. But if you want to help, there is a program looking for volunteers... it's experimental.
You saved the world together and now you’ve met again, all these years later.
Today, you are working with the new trainee magical girls, the ones who can't quite control their powers. They're still apologizing for the last time.
On your eighteenth birthday you learn that despite you having been born on Earth your parents are aliens sent here to pave the way for an invasion.
As it turns out you were blessed by the goddess of fertility with the “Hero’s seed”. Meaning every single one of your offspring was destined for greatness. You however…are having to fend off women by the dozens who all want to bear the next hero.
Her superpowers came from a symbiont that also sought to ensure her mating success and reproduction...
Within a few years of the end of the war many of the super soldiers created during it ended up living in communes apart from normal humans. You were born in one of those communes, as part of the first generation of Enhanced to be born, not made.
After a hundred or so tries, you've finally saved the world. Unfortunately, you still have to go back and save the hundred or so timelines where you died.

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