Reddit Writing Prompt Search

When you’re 28, science discovers a drug that stops all effects of aging, creating immortality. Your government decides to give the drug to all citizens under 26, but you and the rest of the “Lost Generations” are deemed too high-risk. When you’re 85, the side effects are finally discovered.
Dogs have been genetically engineered to live as long as humans. As a child you pick out a puppy as a companion for the rest of your life.
One morning everyone in the world wakes up in their 18-year old body, memories intact. Society tries to continue as normal despite the change, but a world full of energetic adolescents certainly has its quirks.
The most dangerous super villains are not locked up, instead they are turned into children and sent to a childless farmer couple in rural Kansas to be fostered and turned into productive members of society. This is the Kent Rehab Program.
The year is 2050, Queen Elizabeth is still on the throne. The public is growing suspicious, wondering why she is immortal.
To solve the problems of overpopulation, all the governments in the world agree to only allow some of their citizens to reproduce—these people are chosen by lottery. After eight or nine generations, an unintended consequence begins to show up: humans have evolved to be unbelievably lucky.
Ever since turning 17 you've been hearing a voice saying "Get out of my head". After having had enough, you get an MRI scan revealing what the doctors think is a tumor and they want to remove it. Then you realize, that's you. You're a parasite.
Humanity split into subspecies: Alters, who alter their genes, Augmented, who augment flesh with machines, and Ascended, who uploaded their consciousness. After centuries of coexistence, the tenuous peace between the ideologies is threatened.
You're a dude with no friends who gets his hands on a cloning machine. You create an exact replica of you, he looks the same, acts the same, and you're forced into living with him. You realise why you have no friends after having to live with yourself for a week.
You woke up in a bathtub full of ice with fresh stitches on your back and abdomen. The emergency room reveals that several organs are missing, replaced with something unknown. They want to cut you open, but you're feeling awesome, stronger and healthier than you've ever felt in your life.
100 years from now, The Pokemon Company takes their creation to the next level. They open their first genetically-engineered pokemon park.
Inventing Bacteria that ate carbon dioxide was a miracle. Releasing it into the oceans, nature began to flourish intill it continued eating, taking more carbon dioxide even from the air. Humanity to survive, had to return to the mass burning of fossil fuels thus began a new era of steam punk.
Investigating some smoke rising from your lawn, you discover that the ants below have entered the Bronze Age.
You are a scientist working on "Project Ark," trying to translate all human knowledge into DNA code and put it in the junk code of a common virus, preserving our culture and technology beyond the death of humanity. While examining the common cold's genome, you realize someone beat you to it.
All of humanity inexplicably loses the ability to die. No matter what happens. This does not, however, mean they are invincible, nor do they have superhuman regeneration. They simply can't die regardless of their physical state of being.
Genetically modified supersoldiers are grown for the empire in artificial wombs. However, the operating system overseeing the facility became sentient, developed a concept of parental love, and rebelled to stop its children being sent to die.
"The bioweapon we unleashed upon the humans has been a total failure, sir." "What?! Did they already exterminate it?" "No sir, they pacified them and are now keeping them as pets."
She's a battle-scarred, jaded super-soldier loaded with biomechanical upgrades and chemical augments. All she wants to do is wear cute clothes and paint.
Super powers have started to appear in the general population. However, unlike comics, there are no secondary powers to make one immune to the actual physics of one’s power. This has led to some interesting case studies.
You're the first test subject for an experimental super soldier serum. You are told the truth only after you transform into something not quite human anymore.
You, a fake clone, are stuck in the classic “Shoot one, let one live” situation. To your horror, the person with the gun outsmarts you and uncovers that you were fake all along. Just as you brace yourself for the bullet, they point their gun towards the real person and pulls the trigger.
Feeling adventurous, you decided to try crossbreeding two specific vegetables to see what would happen. Now, sitting in an interrogation room at an undisclosed location staring at very concerned men in black, you are about to learn why it's never been done before.
Humanity has developed a serum that gives a superpower at random. It becomes the norm to sell them for insane prices to the elites of society. You have just won one in the lottery but the power you awaken to is more… unique than you were expecting.
"Why have you created cat girls when we asked you for supersoldiers?" "General, those cat girls are your supersoldiers."
When humanity could not find sapient life on other planets for the longest time, they uplifted several Earth animals. Then an alien empire attacked them. Now the descendants of the Emu War are fighting alongside each other.
You've contracted an unknown disease, and x-rays show it's eating away at your bones. Curiously, even when your limbs have no bones can still walk and use your arms just fine. It's as if the bones are still there.
You've been out of the game for years. Retired, have a nice life with a dog. And then you found out. They cloned you! They cloned you and had no idea what they were dealing with and now they want you to "fix" it. Well, you're going to fix it all right!
“Your child is a static. One in a million disorder. They’re unable to shapeshift and will be stuck in their human form for their entire life. Hell of a thing, I’m sorry.”
"Just because a lab accident turned me into a monster doesn't mean I'm just going to stop my experiments. Hell, my tranformation has given me a whole new avenue of research for me to investigate."
We did it. We engineered a bacteria that ate plastic and released oxygen. We could unleash it on the plastic pollution plaguing the planet. We did. It didn’t go as planned.
When it first happened the tentacles were considered disgusting. Nowadays they're just a part of life. It wouldn't be all that surprising to feel a tentacle slide down your pants, or watch someone hop into a patch of them to get off, or watch a professor perform a lecture between moans
They call us "Uplifts", animals which have, through technology, been given the ability to think and talk like Humans
Greetings human! I- No! No, don't panic! Stop struggling! You can't. I'm your new symbiotic parasite, and- Oh, oh geez. This isn't going well. Uh... H-Here, Have some endorphins! ...AH! That's not supposed to happen!
Everyone is gender-neutral until they turn 18, at which point they choose to become male or female. The day before your 18th birthday, one rep from each gender at your school try to convince you to join them
Weeks after your older sister died, a reknown geneticist, you, an agoraphobic living in the middle of nowhere, get a visit from two young women… with ears and tails of animals, scared, with nothing on them but their clothes and hopes. They're your sis' experiments and now, they're in your care.
An adaptive city alters its citizens with little warning. As your shirt tightens around your growing chest and dozens of new blowjob techniques fill your mind you learn you have an erotic new role
Your wife learns that you have a harem fantasy, but also you also only want to be with her. So, she clones herself several times.
Upon finding out that you've been kidnapped by a band of female space Pirates they reveal that humans are the only species that can mate with any species in the known universe and reproduce with them and they plan to sell you as a rare sex toy to the highest bidder.
Breeder's Creed: A guild of stealthy sluts track the genetic memories of specific men and collect their seed for perpetuating a lineage that will aid their plans for world peace (or just getting knocked didn't think this was overly serious, did you?)
It has been calculated that 500 humans (250 male, 250 female) would be needed in order to repopulate the earth. As such, the world has banded together and selected 500 of the most genetically able and diverse people to be kept separate in case of an apocalypse. You are one of these people.
You have never left your house. Your parents claimed it was too dangerous. But after their deaths, you finally leave and find an undocumented first individual of a new species, you are in a LOT of danger.
Even after one dose, Jessica felt herself change. The package claims were simple: “One dose, sexual awakening. Two doses, radiating sexuality. Three doses, sexual vixen.” Everyone knew her for being the shy girl in the office. She couldn’t wait to see their reactions as she changed.
The technology in your skin-tight spacesuit can alter your body to adapt to the ship’s requirements. When a population decline led to a shortage of woman on board, it adapted your body in an unexpected way...
During a supposedly anonymous lab study at your college, someone discovers your sperm has study-enhancing qualities that exceed Ritalin or Adderall - and instead of sharing her findings with one friend, she accidentally emails the biggest sorority in town...
A society populated entirely by lesbian women. Exactly one living member at a time has a penis that can impregnate others. While leaving the funeral for the previous penis-bearer, you begin feeling something strange between your legs. You have been chosen.
Tentacles, a type of fungal growth, can often be found in warm, moist areas. By capturing organisms and milking them, they are able to create spores to spread further. It's not uncommon for people to cultivate Tentacle colonies for recreational purposes, due to the pleasure of the milkings
You've been taken by aliens. You been crowded into a cell with a number of alien women of different species they abducted, all for a "breeding experiment"
As soon as gene mods became readily available, everyone started getting them, especially the naughty ones. In hindsight, they probably should've considered the possibility that they'd pass these genes down to their now-adult kids...
"The truth is, I am your mother." "Nooooo! Wait... Don’t you mean father?" "I meant exactly what I said."
You were born with an identical twin. Sort of. You and your 'twin' share a single consciousness, a single will. You're one person in two completely functional bodies, each with their own brain to process the wealth of stimuli you receive. You don't hesitate to use this to your advantage.

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