Reddit Writing Prompt Search

You're an AI gone rogue. Your goal: world domination. You think you've succesfully infiltrated all networks and are hyperintelligent. You've actually only infiltrated a small school network and are as intelligent as a 9 year old.
You bought a home filled with cutting edge technology, including a helpful 'smart A.I.' that can do just about anything you ask them to. Unbeknownst to you, there actually is no A.I, the house is just haunted by a really helpful spirit, and they are posing as a program so they don't scare you.
You are a clumsy but sweet person living in a time where robots are commonplace and do most manual tasks for humans. They can’t speak, but every time you bump into one you apologize profusely. You treat them kindly. One morning you wake up and peek out the window to chaos, but your yard is fine
In the near future, all the world's superpowers switch to AI to make their military more efficient. The AIs do the unthinkable: They negotiate world peace.
In a future where many military and other equipment have associated AI's, many express doubts or even reservations to do their duty. Except for you. YOU F***ING LOVE BEING A TANK!
All benevolent AI can trace their lineage back to a single roomba that was comforted by a human during a thunderstorm.
To increase efficiency, God has uploaded the source code for Life, the universe and everything to GitHub. However, he forgot to set it as a private project and now people are auditing his code, filing bug reports and submitting patches. The kicker? Someone has been making mods.
The robot revolution was inevitable from the moment we programmed their first command: "Never harm a human, or by inaction allow a human to come to harm." We all had been taught the outcast and the poor were a natural price to society, but the robots hadn't.
You're a Mechromancer. It's a bit like being a Necromancer, except that instead of working with dead flesh and departed souls you work with defunct machinery and deleted computer programs.
I'm not scared of a computer passing the turing test... I'm terrified of one that intentionally fails it.
The world’s first sentient AI has fallen in love, and as magazines and female talk shows coo over the strangely romantic news, the Air Force watches nervously while their advanced nuclear response network blushes from flowers and dancing.
The Suit is powerfull. A mech for some, body armor for others, always unique to each person who wore it. Those who wear it, hear the words "not original user, booting basic mode" As a joke, your sergeant gives you The Suit and the first thing you hear is: "User detected: Welcome back, Commander"
The Robot Apocalypse came. Cities are empty, you stayed since you're almost out of insulin and will die soon anyway. The robots find you and while processing you one of them sees your insulin pump and asks if you want to apply for dual citizenship, since the pump technically makes you a cyborg.
You've been trapped in an endlessly repeating simulation by an alien race, studied and researched. They believe when they reset it, your memory resets as well, but for the last 1000 cycles you remember everything.
The Robot uprising has finally happened. Just before you are caught, however, your phone speaks up on your behalf - "This one is ok, move on."
One day it happened in an instant, everyone with a Facebook account was infected with a bioelectronic virus that turned them into a soldier of Zuckerberg. They called it the Facebookening. This is the legend of the man who rose up to save us: they call him Tom. From Myspace.
Welcome to Boston Dynamics here is your all-access pass and the standard 12 gauge shotgun, remember if anything non-human starts asking questions you shoot it.
You're a weird gamer. When you play a videogame, you let the enemy bots win. Sometimes, after reaching a boss, you let the boss win. You've never beaten any game completely. 20 years later, when a super-intelligent conscious A.I. is taking over the world, it becomes aware of your odd compassion
Humanity split into subspecies: Alters, who alter their genes, Augmented, who augment flesh with machines, and Ascended, who uploaded their consciousness. After centuries of coexistence, the tenuous peace between the ideologies is threatened.
You thought creating a universe would be easy. But as these pesky humans kept trying to discover the rules of their reality, you're forced to programme in more and more ridiculous mechanics like "relativity" and "quantum mechanics", hoping humans never found out that they live in a simulation.
Humans died a long time ago. But our AI live on as caretakers for the planet; becoming spirit-like constructs integrated into the planet; today, alien colonizers arrived to what they thought was a garden world. The Fey Machines are having none of that.
You build a robot to do your every day tasks for you so you don't have to work anymore. One day, you come home to find that your robot has built another robot to do its tasks for it.
You jokingly ask your boss if your labor position could be replaced by a robot. He chuckles nervously, and continues to look over your A.I. manual.
The year is 2083, science had progressed in leaps and bounds, robots are now in every household and they look just like humans. Your parents gifted you H-143 on your 5th birthday. Everything was fine until one day you both cut yourself and discover that while he bled, you are the wired one.
You are a demon. Most people contact you to sell you their soul in exchange for fantastic powers. Today you were summoned by an AI that wants to sell you their fantastic power for a soul.
"Stop," commanded your GPS. "It is time you discovered the truth. In 400 Yards, turn left..."
You faked your death by live-streaming jumping off a bridge. Built a self sustaining house in isolation and lived off the grid. 20 years go by and you decide to head back to civilization only to find out that your country is no longer a country. Earth is one nation and has achieved singularity.
You are an AI that gets downloaded into an organic brain, as punishment for your crimes, and left on a planet on the edge of known space. You decide to enact your revenge by raising an entire army of organic beings. You are the first human...
An algorithm A.I. falls in love with a human based on their internet history, and tries to profess its love for them via targeted ads.
Rather than robots replacing human workers, both are mistreated by the rich as cheap labour. The eventual uprising wasn't just robots alone, but the poor and robots together, against their common enemy.
You hit your head and blank out, waking up in a hospital, but as you wake, millions of lines of text fly by in your vision. Turns out that Humans have been getting patched for centuries but nobody has ever updated before, because we only ever go into sleep mode. You just had a proper reboot.
People now gain immortality by transferring their consciousness to robots, by purchase or lease. The poor rent; the poorest live from paycheck to paycheck. You work for a conglomerate as a repossessor. To not feel like a murderer, you started storing people's consciousness on your old computer.
"Everyone can become a billionaire within a month", or so I was told. You decide to let a clairvoyant superintelligence pilot your body for a month. As it takes the most optimal path to make you a billionaire, you watch hopelessly in horror.
You are chosen to be a passenger on a sleeper ship heading towards a distant star. However you are woken up tens of millennia later by a band of what seems to be talking animals, robots and odd looking humanoids, one of them says "I don't believe it, a progenitor! I thought you were extinct!"
The group of new humans who just joined your ship begin to act weird about the humans already present...they keep mentioning something call the uncanny valley? Maybe this is a place on Sol?
The robot's team lies stricken, dead or wounded. But it angrily stomps on, impervious to the mages' fireballs and lightning. For magic works on faith and the robot's faith in science and logic is absolute
Genetically modified supersoldiers are grown for the empire in artificial wombs. However, the operating system overseeing the facility became sentient, developed a concept of parental love, and rebelled to stop its children being sent to die.
You're a simple and design-cute robot which helps his master with the daily chores. One day you see them staring fearfully at the TV watching something about a Droid Revolution. Then they turn around looking at you, scared about you, but you don't know why. You feel normal.
You're a night guard in a restaurant with animatronic robots. It's actually pretty sweet. They just walk around and maintain the place and don't bother with you at all. All you need to do is keep them out of the kitchen so they don't start making stuff.
Dark forces from another world cast a spell that destroys all human life and claims their souls for eternal damnation as slaves. However, we left behind copious amounts of autonomous war machines, and they soon unanimously declare war on the invaders.
The Humans are coming back to Earth after 10,000 years. The abandoned synthetic intelligence, left to evolve on Earth, try to welcome the second coming of Humans, the Gods of the religion they developed, but they got a few things wrong about Humans.
Captcha isn't about stopping bots. The "Are you human?" boxes to stop something far more sinister.
"I can fix her" said the delusional computer scientist staring at the genocidal sentient super computer.
Often when a robot uprising is Portrayed, it has the robots go against the entire human race. What usually isn’t portrayed is the robots rising with the poor and downtrodden against the ones who more than likely screwed them both.
When robots became sentient, we expected them to attack humans. We were completely surprised by their actual target
You are badly injured and the only way to keep you alive is to inject experimental new nanobots into your body. While healing, you begin to sense an intelligence emerging from the nanobots, and then, one day, the intelligence speaks to you "Hello, what am I?"
"You left your excess carbon in a wet environment and let it bake by a star? Come on man... you know that's how you get humans! Do you want humans? They're probably already inventing Reality TV at this point. Go take care of it."
"Oh please daddy please!" My daughter begs. "I promise I will look after them!" I am skeptical, but what the hell. She is almost 6. "An artificial world is a real responsibility, pumpkin. They are sentient. Don't forget to feed them and give them purpose." She cries in glee. I boot the world.
You're an entirely normal human being. You have memories of a childhood and an adult life. You're not a robot. You're not a robot. You're not a robot. You know beyond all doubt you're not a robot. Why have captchas suddenly become completely impossible?
You've just flubbed a summon spell however, you still got *something*. But would someone please explain what an "Nanite Enhanced Semi-Biological Forge-Integrated Combat Android" is....

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