Reddit Writing Prompt Search

You have $86,400 in your bank and someone steals $10. You spend all the rest of your money trying to get revenge.
After you die, you're handed a book about your life. You open it, expecting a novel. Instead you get a "Choose your own adventure" book with all of the decisions you ever made, and every outcome they could have had.
You are Death, but in a post-apocaliptic world. Only a few survivors remain, and you're doing everything you can to help them because if the last human dies, you die as well. The survivors can't see you, but they feel your presence and noticed your effort. They started to call you Life.
You discover a library with a biography for everyone on Earth. While reading your own, you notice that whenever someone else is mentioned, there's a footnote showing where you can find their biography. Its odd how someone who was only a sentence in your book has a whole chapter for you.
After you grow old and die, you wake up 25 million years ago as a Hominid Primate, asleep on a tree. Your whole life was a vivid hallucination you had after ingesting a funny looking mushroom. After this experience, you have great knowledge, and you're the smartest living being on the planet.
In the canine world, humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time. The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon.
When you die, you wait in purgatory until you can be judged by the 4 people most impacted by your actions: the person you were the most cruel to, the person you were the nicest to, the person who was saved by your actions, and the person who died because of your choices.
After one’s death, the ‘creative mode’ is unlocked. You replay life, except everything goes the way you want it to. Unlimited wealth, complete domination of the world, you name it. Unknowingly, that play-through is what is used to judge whether you belong to heaven, or hell.
You are born without emotions; to compensate this, you started a donation box where people could donate their unwanted emotions. You've lived a life filled with sadness, fear and regret until one day, someone donates happiness.
Humans blood gets darker the more evil we do. One day you are suspected of murder, they draw your blood to test if you are truely a murderer. You blood is a clear white. You realize that you can get a way with almost everything now, seeing as to how you actually did commit the murder.
The fact the uncanny valley exists is terrifying. Being scared by things that look almost human but aren't. Other animals do not have this. That means that at some point in our evolution, running away from things that looked almost human was advantageous enough to be imprinted on our genetics.
The healer was treated horribly by the knights he was assigned. Belittled and humiliated at every turn. Until one day a monster killed his squad and spared him. And the monster looked at him and she said something he didn't think was possible to even say. "Would you please heal me?".
Once you die you must watch your entire life from five different points of view. Your own, the one who loved you the most, the one who hated you the most, the one you helped the most and the one you wronged the most.
"So they are a war species then, huh." The alien scratched his head: "Why are you interested in them. The humans, i mean." The other alien got closer. "They fight for peace. No war species ever fights for peace."
A caterpillar has no idea it will become a butterfly, it simply has instincts that commands to start building a coccoon. In a similar fashion, you have no idea why you are compelled to start digging this really, really deep hole, but it feels verry important.
Everyone is immortal in the distant future. To keep life interesting, most people "reset" their memories every few centuries so they can experience life anew. Your reset malfunctioned, and you've just received thousands of years of lost memories.
Death gave you immortality with the plan that you'd realize how awful it is and beg him to let you die. 50,000 years later he's getting annoyed as you continue to have fun and live a wonderful life.
You are God, and you wanted to experience life as a human to see how you would turn out. In order to do that you became a baby that was born and you made yourself forget that you are God until your 30th birthday. It's your 30th birthday and you are a serial killer waiting for his death penalty.
As a teen, you daydreamed and wrote about a fictional world you created. Ten years later, you’ve now started hearing voices. They’re prayers from the inhabitants of your world. To them, it has been 1,000 years since their god abandoned them and you must make things right.
You are the first immortal. While it is true that you cannot die, your flesh and body can. After so many millennia you are reduced to a sentient skeleton sitting at the bottom of a peaceful pond to avoid contact with other people. Some bastards are trying to drain it
You are an immortal sentenced to 1000 years of imprisonment. After 200, your prison is forgotten. After 10,000 years, it is rediscovered.
"A child not embraced by its village, will burn it down to feel its warmth"
Music is a dangerous weapon, if not careful entire species can fall to madness upon discovering it. It has been theorised that any race with more than a thousand songs could wipe out all intelligent life, which is why Humanity is so feared in the galaxy despite no human really ever knowing why
You look at the genie and wish your final wish: "I wish to only age on days that I am happy." That was over 100 years ago and you've barely aged a day.
People do not get weaker and more frail as they age - they get stronger and stronger. "Dying of old age" is when groups of young people band together to kill off their elders before they become too strong to defeat.
To solve the problems of overpopulation, all the governments in the world agree to only allow some of their citizens to reproduce—these people are chosen by lottery. After eight or nine generations, an unintended consequence begins to show up: humans have evolved to be unbelievably lucky.
"A child not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth."
Upon turning 18, all humans must spend one year as their spirit animal, to gain a better appreciation for the world and what they have. They awake on the morning of their 18th birthday as said animal, in its natural habitat. You wake up on your 18th birthday completely human.
You’re a human stranded on an alien planet. The locals are sapient, but have a lifespan of only about six months. After dozens of generations (about a decade), you’ve managed to make quite a name for yourself.L
“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
"Death is a gentle thing if you welcome it, like a soft breeze or a bashful kiss." - "Then what's the scythe for?" - "The people who resist."
While walking, you notice everyone recoiling from a young woman. you speak to her to find out why. through her surprise, she explains she is death and everyone else sees a person based on how they feel about the concept of death. You've never seen a more beautiful or inviting person.
An immortal is put on a generation ship as it's caretaker and guardian. After several generations, despite their best intentions, most inhabitants now see them as something of a god.
1 hour before someone dies their loved ones are teleported to them so that they can enjoy their last moments. You don't have any more loved ones, but suddenly you are teleported into a crowded room.
You experience time backwards. All you've ever known is prison, but soon you'll be freed in order to commit the crime that earns you a life sentence.
Humans are horrified by the aliens' casual disregard for life. Aliens are horrified when they realize that humans don't remember everything from all their past lives.
You are not a good person. Your party was made of good people, and you tried to be good because you liked having allies. But now they're all missing, so they won't see the lengths you're willing to go to to save them.
"I'm the one being punished," the devil sighed, "God loves ALL humans and none can be harmed. But He can't have all the entitled, self-righteous assholes ruining Heaven so he sends them down to me. They assume they're in Heaven, cause they believe that's what they deserve. It's exhausting".
You and your worst enemy spent a lifetime making each other miserable. After death, your consciousness and memories merged. It turns out you are the same person, and in a previous life you were such a bastard that you were reincarnated into two so you could experience yourself first-hand.
"What iteration of civilization are you on? It always takes, like, a hundred just to get to farming, then civilization falls back and resets, and it takes a thousand to trade, ten thousand to get to government... What do you mean 'One?' Your species has never been reset to hunter-gatherers?"
Instead of aging continually like humans, elves age in bursts when they make a decision that irrevocably changes the course of their lives, or when a life experience deeply affects them and changes their perception of themselves and the world.
Dragons are logical. They only hunt things that cower or attempt to run from them. Dragons only fight that which attacks them first. But something that does neither absolutely terrifies them, because it implies that whatever it is, no matter the appearance, it must be stronger than them.
Everyone is born with a hole where their heart should be. This hole shrinks the closer you are to finding your purpose and grows the further away you get from it. Yours has been steadily growing for the past ten years, and soon you'll disappear altogether if it doesn't stop.
It's generally accepted that predatory species evolve eyes on the front, while prey species evolve eyes on the side. For this reason humans are among the few intelligent species not trusted by the galactic council.
Everyone on Earth wakes up with a number on their wrist indicating how many lives they've impacted. You, an unremarkable person working a mundane job, have a number exponentially higher than anyone else
"Ive seen it all before. empires growing and shrinking like mushrooms in a forest. After a time it all flows together" the immortal exclaims, not realising that his timeloop is so long that he has not noticed that it is the same empire he observes every time.
The Humans are coming back to Earth after 10,000 years. The abandoned synthetic intelligence, left to evolve on Earth, try to welcome the second coming of Humans, the Gods of the religion they developed, but they got a few things wrong about Humans.
You would think that the God of Death has no respect for life. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, out of all the gods, it is the God of Death who has the most respect for life, for all too often have they been forced to watch mortals throw their lives away.
People think you're a Monkey's Paw type Genie. In actuality, you're twisting their wishes, not to give them what they want, but to give them what they NEED.
Humans have always been endurance hunters. We can endure untold physical, psychological, and emotional trauma. Being so unexceptional, we are mocked by the intergalactic community until war shows how terrifying it is to simply... endure.

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