Reddit Writing Prompt Search

Pennywise wakes up after his 27 year sleep to find that four giant turtles and a rat have taken over the sewers.
You are a child therapist who treats extreme cases of children terrified of a monster in their closet. They're extreme because they're real, and you're actually secretly a demon hunter using these therapy sessions to gather intel on the monsters before killing them.
Your family line suffers from a pirate curse: A demonic shark will manifest itself in nearby sources of water and harrow you and your ancestors. You live three-hundred miles from any body of water and this has made the shark get...creative.
You are a vampire. If one of your victims isn't completely drained of blood, they reanimate as a newborn vampire, which by law, you are now responsible for. You have always carefully avoided this, until one morning you notice a sticky note on the door of your apartment: "I lived, bitch."
You were abducted and taken to an alien planet, where they hunt you for sport and "honor". Little do they know they've doomed themselves. For you're a werewolf, and they took you to a planet with six moons.
The zombie apocalypse has come and gone. Humanity has survived and prospered, but with the virus still inside every single human. Centuries in the future, we are at war with an alien race, and they are horrified to learn that we don’t stay dead easily.
Pennywise is feeling a little bored during the holidays, seeing how kids don’t venture outside during blizzards. He decides to pick out a house at random and pick a child living in it. Unluckily for him, Kevin McCallister hates clowns and will do all he can to stop his attacker.
The US Government finds a Stranger Things-esque alternate dimension full of deadly creatures. Then, they discover Oil there.
Welcome to Boston Dynamics here is your all-access pass and the standard 12 gauge shotgun, remember if anything non-human starts asking questions you shoot it.
From a bug's perspective, humans are ageless eldritch beings who would kill them without a second thought. You are a fly among many, infesting one of their basements, but one of your kind made the mistake of irritating the human. Now the human is out for blood.
You're bitten by a zombie. By some strange happening, you die and become a zombie, but your ghost remains bound to this earth. Your ghost has to try and keep your zombie body out of trouble until a cure is found.
Every time there is a thunderstorm your father ushers you inside and waits on the porch with his gun, your mother says he's just gone a bit crazy after the war, but you've seen what lurks in the clouds too.
Rule of thumb: If you see something on a foreign planet that has all the outward traits of an apex predator, but no obvious and apparent way to kill you - run. The methods in which they kill aren't something you want to see.
You've just become a vampire. On the downside, finding fresh human blood is hard in the apocalypse. On the upside, being a vampire makes you immune to zombie bites.
It turns out that the Statue of Liberty is actually a Weeping Angel, it’s just so big that it’s always been visible to someone. Now, with the smoke filling New York, it’s gone unobserved for the first time.
You and your other co-workers have known for a while that something is impersonating your boss. But no one has bothered to say anything because under its leadership the workplace has become an enjoyable place. Today you’re training a new employee when they see the boss eating a delivery driver.
You made very understanding friends online and they invited you to go camping. At sundown, you all reveal your true forms, you heard the horrifying sound of breaking bone and tearing skins as you friends transformed into 8ft tall werewolves, who are very confused about the fursuit you unpacked.
Out of breath, completely exhausted, and wounded, you finally give up. The murderous doll stood over you, ready to deliver the final blow, and all you could do was ask, "Why does this shit always happen to me?". The doll pauses, "Wait.. what?".
I had thought the monster was looking for me; seeking out my hiding place as it scurried around the house. When it found me in the closet, I yelped in fear, death imminent. Instead, it slithered in beside me, pulled the coats it's hairy body and hissed in a low whisper. "Shhh! It'll hear you!"
The zombie apocalypse has come and gone. Humanity has survived and prospered, but with the virus inside every single human. Centuries into the future, we are at war with an alien race, and they are horrified to learn that we don’t stay dead easily.
When a deadly zombie virus broke out, you fled to sea with your yacht and managed to survive there for several years. Now that your supplies are running low, you are forced to return to land to search for new supplies. Only to find that all the zombies are dead.
A zombie apocalypse plagues the planet. Strangely the zombies seem to attack some people and leave others alone. You’re part of a team of scientists and soldiers who discover why.
You are a Necromancer so powerful that even the gods tried and failed to kill you. As a desperate measure they banished you to another realm. Annoyingly it worked, and now your listing to some guy ranting about his life before the... Zombie Apocalypse?
It's a Zombie apocalypse, and you were too smart that your sheer brainpower defected the virus, leaving your humanity perfectly intact with your body completely zombified. You put yourself to a coma for safety reasons, until you're woken by survivors.
You don't know what was more frightening, the Humanoid THING with too many teeth and eyes like shadows, or your dad looking up calmly at it and saying "Oh, yeah. I've seen one of these before" in a bored tone.
The creature reached out and touched your forehead, "I will feast on your FEAR!" it shouted. Moments later it recoiled and stood whimpering in front of you. " live like this?" it asked, crying....
The beast hissed, its claws enveloping you, "Many humans tried to bargained with me. Some offered gold for their life, others companionship.... Even love. What useless thing will you try to offer me for yours?"
You're perfectly safe in your survival bunker, with plenty of food and water. You even have plumbing. The only problem is that you're entirely alone, with a zombie right outside. Out of sheer boredom, you decide to teach it to speak, which has led into it trying to convince you to let it in.
You thought feeding that Skinwalker some barbecue was fine maybe she would stop eating human flesh. but it seems she had spread the word and now all different types of monsters are at your door hungry.
The creature looked like something out of your nightmares, if you had the energy you would have ran, but starvation kept you laying still. In labored, garbled sounds it spoke "your kind eat apples?" with a thud it dropped what it was holding, an uprooted apple tree.
The Wendigo had stalked the lost human for hours, waiting for night to fall before killing its prey. But when it was ready to strike, it hesitated. The humans head had snapped in the creatures direction, walking and staring, in complete darkness. Their eyes never moving from the Wendigo’s…
For 10+ years a child goes to a forest to play/talk with the fairies there despite local legends of their sadism/cruelty, and afflicting fates worse than death. So when the now 16 y/o child is abducted, the traffickers find out not all local legends are BS when the fairies come for their "pet".
*sigh* Another sultry and seductive woman talking to me of all people on a lonely night. Babe, would you kindly turn into a demon, a vampire or something of the sort already ? I already know you're not human, and it'd make me feel less shitty for pumping you full of cold iron and silver.
Fleshrippers are the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy. Found in many numbers, they hunt their prey and kill them brutally. But... they have one flaw. They taste delicious when cooked.
"TWO TBSP of mandragora," your necromancy teacher says, glaring at you. The intense sound of gunfire coming from outside makes you flinch. The police has been overwhelmed and the zombie apocalypse is now in full effect. "Not ten, TWO!"
Red, of course, knew about the big bad wolf. She didn't know that there was a pack of them. She didn't know they loved to prey specifically on young, beautiful women. Red also didn't know they could breed with humans. She also didn't know their musk was a subtle but strong aphrodisiac.
You are a naive female adventurer. You decide your first target will be Kalu Kalai, an incredibly powerful tentacle demon that has a habit of forcibly breeding adventurer girls like you.
You decided to take a boat out to sea in the dead of night. When the water is calm and the stars hide away in fear, an inhumanly beautiful song could be heard beneath the waves. Unfortunately for the beast, you came prepared.
"I don't understand. We tried everything - wooden stakes, garlic, holy water, sunlight, nothing worked. What kind of vampire are we dealing with?" "There's your mistake, rookie. We aren't dealing with a vampire. We're dealing with a werebat."
Mimics are a notorious pest, preying upon the unsuspecting by binding them and filling them with eggs. They are the bane of many adventurers, although if properly domesticated they can make for some very good - if troublesome and needy - pets
You and your friends go camping. Stuck in the woods, you soon find your being hunted by a pack of monsters. One after another, the others are dragged off into the night. As you're pulled to the den, you figure it out, you're not prey item, you're mates.
You were accidentally invited into an online group of people who roleplay as monsters hiding in human society. When you joined the offline meeting, you realized that they're not roleplaying.
As the glaciers have been melting ancient horrors have been releasing into the world. You are part of a group who has been assigned to destroy these horrors
"7 gunshot wounds to the chest. Dead on arrival. And you're tellin me that a corpse walked out of your autopsy like it was nothing?!" "I'm telling you, that's what I saw! They didn't even have a scratch on em when they left!"
With the city in the grips of a horrible plague, its citizens find an unlikely savior in the form of the lich entombed in the local catacombs. After all, neither he nor his skeletal and ghostly servants can catch or spread disease, and he is a highly accomplished alchemist besides.
A vampire's bite doesn't always cause its victim to become a vampire and you learned this the hard way
You live in a world of horror movie killers. Due to all the supernatural killers in the world, the government has decided that as a last chance before killing them all, to put them into a sort school to educate them. You, are a successful teacher at this school.
Finding an abandoned lab, you wander inside. Finding jars of various specimen, you go to pick one up. However, the jar slips from your hand and shatters on the ground.
"I can taste you in the air", her voice clicked and vibrated from behind the barred door.
The lumberjack should have taken the warning to leave the dark forest alone more seriously. Now an enraged tree-man has the man pinned as it vengefully penetrates him with its own "wood".

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