Reddit Writing Prompt Search

Dwarves are notorious for their love of alcohol. One day a dwarf goes sober and discovers it grants them amazing powers such as being able to remember what happened the night before.
A barbarian warlord, a goblin king, a mighty necromancer, and a dark elven high priestess meet for one reason... To play Suburbs and SUVs, the hottest mundane suburban family Tabletop RPG!
A teenager has been kidnapping young children during the night for his gang of thieves; he addicts them to "pixie dust" to ensure their subservience. Only a lone police captain believes it to be true. This is the story of Peter Pan and James Hook.
You find the "lizard people rule the world" conspiracy to be absolutely inane. After all, you're one of them and you ain't running shit.
A group of fantasy adventures has one of their members replaced by a Doppelganger. The rest of the group realizes what happened, but keep pretending to be fooled since they like the doppelganger a lot more than the guy it replaced.
On your 21st birthday, your biggest accomplishment becomes your official title - no matter how trivial. You wait anxiously in line for your village elder, Glenda, Devourer of 53 Chicken Nuggets In A Single Sitting, to assign you your new title.
A god fell in love with a mortal woman. "I cannot bear to live without you," he told her, "so I will grant you immortality." So he made her a goddess and took her to dwell with him in the realm of the gods, where she met all the other women he couldn't bear to live without.
You are a spiritual null. Werewolves and vampires can't turn you, fairy lights hold no charm, and you can stare at a medusa all day. This makes you the ultimate..... fantasy lawyer.
You are fluent in latin. After a car accident, you find yourself in a fantasy world. In this world, humans have been slaves to other species, all of whom use magic. Human have the capability to use magic, but only by learning the elve's language. After hearing it, you find that it is latin.
A bard is kidnapped by orcs. At first the bard is terrified, however the orcs actually treat the bard with much more respect than any tavern full of drunks ever had. It seems the ability to sing and play instruments is extremely rare amongst orcs but even they love music.
Turns out Humans are tiny compared to any other species of aliens, allowing them to live off in the nooks and crannies of alien spaceships. Colonies can live on ships for generations unseen and unknown, or have a mutually beneficial relationship with a crew.
Humans left Earth a long time ago. In their place, dogs have evolved to be the new sentient species, but they never lost their love of humankind. Their technology has finally caught up to space travel, and they take to the stars in search of their human precursors.
You are a minor god amongst many gods. You don’t have a domain until a major god decided to create humans and somehow you are chosen to babysit the first population. You hate this until they start seeing you as their patron god, and you realize their hollering is making you more powerful.
After a period where Lizard People, Aliens, Shapeshifters, Werewolves, Vampires, Guardian Angels, Cyborgs and the like were all outed as hiding as humans, it’s realized that, between all the hidden races acting like people, there are no actual humans left on earth.
You've lived on Grandpa's humble farm your whole life. But Grandpa's on his last days now and you're expecting a few people to come say their last goodbyes. 12 kings, 8 dragons, 4 emperors, some minor deities, and many others later, you got more than a few questions for Grandpa.
You are a third generation guard for the holy immortals, and you have finally have received the greatest accolade that they can bestow on your kind... "Good boy", says your immortal master.
Your father was an immortal, your mother mortal, this makes you half-mortal. You can die, but your immune system is bitchin.
In a world where people receive mystical pets upon 16 yrs of age, you are judged based on how powerful they are. Today on your 16th birthday, you finally got yours. But instead of the common faun or fairy you expected, a commoner like you got a dragon.
You are a dragon. The other dragons despise you, because they say you have no real hoard. You always change your shape to look like a man, and you are a guild master of an adventurer's guild. The other dragons are WRONG. This guild, these people, THEY are your hoard.
You weren’t shocked to find out that your bard had many illegitimate children. Including one whose mother was a dragon. No, what shocked you was that he somehow managed to help raise every single one of them. And now they’ve come to help you.
Sometimes children get born with weird diseases like vampirism or lycantrophy. The effects of these uncurable illnesses only get detectable when the kid is around 8 years old. Many parents then abandon their child. You run an orphanage for these children.
"Earth" is actually the setting of a tabletop RPG, where players create a species of animal and try to rise to the top of the food chain. The rest of the group is getting fed up with the power gamer and his "humans."
Gordon Ramsay has to deal with one of his most difficult restaurants yet, the failing undersea restaurant 'The Chum Bucket' created by Sheldon J. Plankton.
From the point of view of dogs, humans are like elves, benvolent beings with incredibly long lives enjoying pastimes too intricate and complex to understand.
“When the Old Gods returned, they were surprised how easy it was to amass an army of followers. Turned out all they had to do was offer fair wages and good benefits, with reasonable deadlines and working conditions”
Your escape pod has crashed on an alien planet. After finding you incredibly injured, you were taken by a local farmer. Their species, however, only lives for around 3 months. It took nearly 3 generations to fully recover. Years have passed, & you've become the family's protector ever since.
Young Adult elves often form practice families with humans before returning to their lives once their human partner dies, basically the human equivalent of an affair. You, the elf crown princess, were doing the sa-"Honey, guess who just became immortal!"
Instead of aging continually like humans, elves age in bursts when they make a decision that irrevocably changes the course of their lives, or when a life experience deeply affects them and changes their perception of themselves and the world.
Your village has exactly 92 people living in it, but only 91 are human. The last one is an elf and - despite being older than the village itself - a child at that. You're her 53rd adoptive parent.
Due to a clerical error, a fantasy author gets isekai'd into a fantasy world meant for gamer otakus. The author can't spend a minute without criticising the world's "shitty worldbuilding," which is making everyone around him confused and driving the gods insane.
You've noticed that unlike the rest of your companions, the elves you're travelling with have never excused themselves to answer nature's call, even though they eat and drink just as often as you do. When you work up the courage to ask the elves about this, their explanation astounds you.
Dragons are rarely made of flesh and blood, the substance of their bodies is dependent on where their egg hatches. Dragons of the forest are made of wood, dragons of the tundra of ice, and a dragon egg, left in an unexpected place, can birth something truly unique.
After mistakenly transfering to a high school for monsters, you try to tell them that you're just a regular human. However, because of bizarre coincidences creating apparently inexplicable situations, the school population and teachers come to believe you're actually an Eldritch Abomination
Dwarfs can hear a weapons voice, Swords speak in vigor, Bows speak with precision, Hammers are blunt and to the point. But when a Dwarf found an old human tank, as their fingers ran across its barrel it heard it say a tired firm voice “I will watch until I am needed again”
You are the child of a union between two separate half-dragons. However, genetically, you are fully human. You are about to introduce your fiancé to your extended family - and they haven't believed you to this point about your... diverse family tree.
You are a god with no followers nor enemies, yet you still persist. No god had ever lived without worship before. The other gods are stumped as to why this is so...until you tell them what you are the god of.
You live in a world shaped like a big Rubik's Cube, the face of each square having a unique climate. Some unseen force periodically twists and repositions the cube, so you never know what friends, enemies, dangers, or resources will be at your borders next.
During the war between angels and demons, humans are the collateral. They are continuously used by the two forces for their advantage until humanity decides to just kill both.
“Let me get this straight. I, a Fae, have spent LITERAL CENTURIES studying the subtle arts of deception, glamour, deceit, and misdirection, and you, a mere human, can just stand there and say things that are untrue?!” “Yeah, that’s about right.”
A group of elves is chatting on the table next to you in their native tongue, and the entire party is staring at the ranger who studied elvish. Veins bulging, jaw clenched, fist tighten around the mug he is holding, and face all red as he desperately tries to not explode into laughter.
Some pedestrian ran out in front of your truck, and you hit him. So why, now, are you and your shitbox Ford in a strange stone and wood town, with a fox-person yelling into the passenger window directions on how to kill the King of the Liches? Well, at least the fuel gauge is stuck on full.
Humans have no souls. Their entire consciousness is stored within an organ called the brain. They have no afterlife. This of course, terrifies all the other races.
You are a werewolf and everyone in the village knows. When its nearing the full moon they all help you baricade yourself in your home since you are the only wheat farmer in town. Everything was fine until some self righteous lord takes over and demands not only your land but your home as well.
Fantasy races banished humanity to another realme for 50000 years and when the banishment ended the fantasy races came to invite humanity back only to find that they have built ring worlds, Dyson spheres and mind uploaded themselves.
Your small, otherwise unimpressive, kingdom is suddenly one of the strongest powers in the land. This is due to the sole reason that, unlike other rulers, you're happy to work with the local orcs, goblins, dragons, and several other races that are usually attacked on sight.
You are an immortal who has lived for 4,000 years. Your only friend was an elf, the last of their kind. At their funeral, it’s just you and someone you’ve never met before.
Alice Liddell became famous after returning from her trip down the rabbit hole. Now an adult, she aids in the British Empire's colonisation of Wonderland.
You're an orc woman. Your human fiancee,somehow, survived the pre-marriage trial of beating three of your brothers in bare handed combat to prove himself as husband and is now being treated by the healers. Now, according to tradition, you're going to his clan to prove yourself as wife to him.
"Many claim human lineage. Many would be humans are just elves or dwarves with a pinch of human blood decades back. Clearly your an imposter." "I'm just a kid from Ohio and I have no idea what you're talking about."
An elf absolutely nerds out over human technology, especially weaponry. When he's shipped off to experience it firsthand, he's no less excited.

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