Reddit Writing Prompt Search

You die, but due to an error, instead of going to Hell, you arrive in Heck. This is the story of your travels across the rings of the 7 Forgivable Sins.
A 16-year-old schoolgirl is taken to a magical world. She slays a dragon, becomes queen, gets married, has kids, and dies 90 years later...only to wake up back at school, young and in her school uniform again, like nothing happened. She notices that her wedding ring is still on her finger.
The DM hands you the paper. You're just dropping in for the one session, but you know your role. The sheet says you're level 6, but you've got surprises. You have a mission: take out the DM's most-hated player. Well, their fun-killing Paladin, anyway. You're a hired gun. A Character Assassin.
You reach max level in a game and lose interest for a while. Logging in months later, you find that years have past in game and chaos has spread, everyone wonders where your avatar, lauded as a savior, has gone.
There was a brief window in the 1800s where you could have an adventuring party made up of a samurai, an elderly pirate captain, a Zulu warrior, a cowboy, and a Victorian gentleman detective and have it be 100% historically correct. Write the story of this unlikely group of adventurers.
Years ago you found a baby dragon that had been abandoned. You carefully helped mend its wounds and taught it to hunt and survive on its own. Now, years later, the dragon has returned to you with some of its young. It wants you to raise its weakest hatchling.
In a post-apocalyptic era, books of the old world are the most valuable and sought after treasures. Your grandfather, who just passed, left you a map that supposedly leads to the legendary "Library of Congress".
You; the game's hero, reach the end of your journey. The evil has been slain, the entire nation celebrates in the streets and now, the beautiful Princess you saved very publicly confesses her love and offers you her hand in marriage, thing is; you married the cute NPC who sold you potions.
A boy and his dog die in an accident, and both show up at the pearly gates of dog-heaven. The boy can't be admitted, and must traverse purgatory to get to human-heaven. Instead of entering paradise, the dog decides to make sure his young owner gets to human-heaven safely first.
"Every 5000 years, the Dark Lord comes to destroy the world, and only you, the Chosen One can stop him." -said the priest. "So, do I need to get a magic sword from the Lady of the Lake?" - I asked "No, just press this button please, everything else has already been taken care of"
Due to a clerical error, the hero is sent with the wisest thief, the fastest wizard, the smartest warrior, and the strongest preist.
The edge of the world is real and every few years miles of it crumbles away into the void, forcing people to constantly move toward the ever expanding centre. You're a RimRunner, scavenging the abandoned cities before they slip over the edge.
You are the final boss. You have been waiting for the final epic battle against the hero. And waiting. And waiting. Finally, your minions report back. The news? The hero abandoned the main quest to do side quests.
A serial killer decides to murder a bunch of teens in a cabin in the woods. However these 'teens' have just returned from a magical journey thousands of years long and have dealt with much worse.
After a treasure hunt with your friends, you make it to the treasure. But instead of the wealth you were told about, it was a note congratulating you on your journey and that the real treasure was the friends you made on the way. Only problem is that all your friends died getting you this far.
You are not a good person. Your party was made of good people, and you tried to be good because you liked having allies. But now they're all missing, so they won't see the lengths you're willing to go to to save them.
Due to a clerical error, you never got a soul. One day the Reaper came to collect. Instead he gave you a scythe. "Another like me, then. Your soul is out there, and you'll need this to get it out."
You are the Chosen One. The Dark Overlord is currently trying to seduce you to their cause. To their great surprise, you accept almost immediately because you absolutely loathe your job and your companions.
“Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made alo-“ “Dude, we desecrated a major archaeological site and half of our team died for the promise of treasure that wasn’t even here!”
The summoned hero is effective if not a little... eccentric. He claims that he is a "dark souls player" and keeps saying "why should I wear armor if I don't intend on getting hit". Nevertheless, the great foe is no match for him, and the people love him.
One can easily distinguish a true veteran adventurer from the masses, for one doesn’t fear those who show to the start of a dungeon with gleaming weapons and polished armor, but those who show up wearing casual clothing, looking like they just got done shopping in town not 5 minutes earlier.
You were once an adventurer but when was turned to stone. Your party tried to save you but it was too late, so they place you in the center of a town they founded, now years later an army marches onto that town and with every once of willpower you try to move…and with groan you take a step.
For the last year, you've been enjoying the life of adventure and heroism in a fantasy world that you've always dreamed of. That is, until the healer in your party accidentally removed a perception curse that's been with you since the day of your summoning.
After dying you appear in a white room with a computer. On the computer you see, "Welcome to Isekai Corp, please select a type of world to be reborn with memories in, if desired. You have a vast 10,000 Karma to spend on cheats.”
When you were a young teen you were teleported to a magical world and had an adventure over the summer before returning home. 20 years later the crystal necklace you used for communication during your adventure beings making noise for the first time since you left the magical world.
You have been summoned to another world in order to resolve the ongoing crisis but due to a malfunction in the translator spell, everything comes out UwU. You've finally managed to make it to the final boss, and are trying to respectfully listen to his monologue without laughing.
Knowing the hero would call upon the power of friendship to win against them, the villain simply killed all the hero's friends. What he didn't expect is what the power of grief looked like.
The king, after hearing the prophecy about a child fated to depose them, decided to just let the events play out without interfering.
Captured by the Hero's Party, you can't understand why they went from being smug, to horrified, to looking ill over the course of your interrogation. Why were you a "victim"? Why was the healer whispering "it'll be alright" into your ear? You'd just been executing your directives, after all
You’re a party who has just found an ocean of gold coins but from it comes a massive colossal elder dragon. Your party readies for a fight but the dragon coos out “Archi…did you…decide…to..visit..your…grandmother?”
Your hands shake as you approach the final battle. Everyone is confident you'll win since they believe you're the Chosen One. What they don't know is the "Chosen One" was your older brother, and you've been using his name and identity ever since he died when you were 14
Whenever you visit the dragon's lair, you give some treasure instead of taking some. People think you are crazy for doing this.
"My lady," said the Prophet. "The kingdom is in danger. Seek out the kind and noble heroes: Face Mauler the Dreaded, Skull Crusher the Mad, the Man-Eating Giant, and Barry. Talk to them and they will help you in your quest."
You are a legendary hero. One day, you checked ahead of your party in the local inn for the night. Later, you are woken up because of a fight in the town's square. The villagers are attacking a group of monsters mercilessly. There is one problem : those monsters are your beloved party members
They said that you could never save the kingdom, that you would fail and die miserably, because you were not the prophesized hero. And when you returned after saving the realm on your own, instead of welcoming you as a hero the king banished you, as it was not your place to save them.
After battling your way to the final boss, you see… the merchant that bought your extra items? Anything you sold them can and will be used against you…
You're an enchanted suit of armor, completely hollow on the inside. After gaining sentience, you left your haunted keep & began to adventure. As you gain notoriety across the land, making friends & connections, it gets harder to keep it a secret that there's nothing behind your visor.
You were pleasantly surprised that the dragon was actually rather delighted to see your party enter their cave. Turns out that dragons have phases in regards to what they hoard and this dragon was keen on letting you take what you want to clear up space for their new obsession.
When his champion returned after many years, proudly spouting off his many accomplishments, the God could only stare, dumbfounded. "What the hell do you mean you saved the world? You were supposed to destroy it!"
You got trapped inside your favorite video game. This isn’t really a problem, since you’re so familiar with it. It is, however, a problem for your parents, who got trapped with you.
"Kid, I don't care if your the 'Chosen One' or that you need 'to Level Up', this is a nature reserve. You can't walk in and start killing innocent wildlife. You're being arrested."
After a series of misunderstandings, a dragonborn paladin of noble birth is sent on a quest to save the lost princess (herself) from a vicious dragon (also herself).
“Why should I?” Says the disgraced inheritor of the kingdom. “Why should I go back in royalty? When I can go to an adventure and to meet and save people!” “Why should I inherit the mistakes of my father?” “After all, you people shunned me.” “And no, I’m not coming back and thats final!”
A prophecy comes out that your child will become the Hero to defeat the great evil when they come of age. You decide that’s too much for a kid and intend to ensure the great evil isn’t going to live that long.
One would think a healer would the the weakest of the party, but when a powerful healer is alone, all their magic is focused on themself, and boy you better hope you can hurt them faster than they can regenerate the damage.
"So you are telling me this random guy showed up out of nowhere, killed the dragon within the hour and left without saying a thing?" "Actually sir he kept saying 'skip dialogue' while I was trying to talk to him."
"I don't wanna fight you, low-level bandit." Says the Lv.100 Hero, who killed the embodiment of space-time. "I wouldn't want to fight me, neither." Says the low-level bandit.
You were exploring the dungeon when you came across a rare sight. An abandoned mimic whelp. You couldn’t resist the shaking jewelry box. It is now your most faithful companion.
You misread the reward for the quest. You received a Dragon Bride, not a Dragon Ride, from the king.
You've been summoned to yet another world. While your summoners are busy figuring out what the hell your 'Speedrunner' class means, you prepare yourself for a sub 4 hour record.

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