Reddit Writing Prompt Search

You're a powerful dragon that lived next to a small kingdom. For centuries you ignored humanity and lived alone in a cave, and the humans also avoided you. As the kingdom fell to invaders, a dying soldier approaches you with the infant princess, begging you to take care of her.
The healer was treated horribly by the knights he was assigned. Belittled and humiliated at every turn. Until one day a monster killed his squad and spared him. And the monster looked at him and she said something he didn't think was possible to even say. "Would you please heal me?".
1,000 years after the battle of Helm's Deep, the orcs have tracked down the elves in the undying lands. Calling in a favour with their allies the men, the elves expect an army of 10,000. Instead they get 8 marines with MASERs, rail guns and anti-matter grenade launchers.
A medieval village makes a human sacrifice to a werewolf that lives in the woods every year. This year they picked you, which is very awkward considering you're the werewolf.
You used to play a fantasy MMORPG that wasn't very popular, so you were able to take the simple name of 'Dave'. When you return to the game (now massively popular), you discover that there is now a Church of 'Dave'.
You are in no way related to Uther Pendragon, however, you realize that the sword in the stone is child proof and to drag it out you just need to push down and turn the sword
The blacksmith won't sell you any weapon, the guards insist you stay in the city and the mages refuse to teach you any dangerous spell. Maybe that eternal youth potion was a terrible idea after all.
You are seen as a weakling. To prove yourself to your tribe, you enter the dragon's lair that even the hardiest warriors avoid. Amused by your challenge, the dragon takes a human form and duels you with a sword. After disarming you three times it says "come tomorrow and try again."
The dragon has kidnapped the princess... again. And the knight is off to rescue her... again. That is what people think is going on. In reality, the three of them are great friends just looking for an excuse to hang out together.
A noble sentenced to die is allowed to choose their execution method. They ask to die in honourable combat against the king's knights, armed with a wooden sword while the knights have real weapons. It's been 24 hours since the execution started and the king is running out of knights.
You've been summoned as a hero of legend to save a medieval fantasy world from evil. Same old, same old. However, it very quickly dawns on you that a medieval world's idea of "evil" is quite incompatible with what you, a modern person, would consider evil.
When the castle is stormed by enemy troops, the king escapes alone, leaving the princess behind to her fate. Later, as the king is resting at an inn, his royal jester walks in covered in blood and holding the princess in his arms. "Dick move, your majesty," he says. "Dick fucking move."
Due to a wizard's botched summoning attempt, an engineering college student's textbooks wind up transported to a fantasy world, whereupon they're found by a dwarf craftsman who's down on his luck.
In a world of dragons, sorcery, war, and monsters, there are many risks and even risk takers. Everyone though, elf, monster, or man knows to avoid those few ancient ruins that contain symbols of suffering and a word of the ancients, RADIATION.
“you’re not here to slay me and save the princess?” “No I want to join you guys. A pretty princess with an awesome dragon in an isolated castle away from society? That’s a pretty sweet gig.”
“Foolish dragon!” Proclaimed the knight. “My armor renders me immune to your flames!” “Foolish knight!” Sneered the dragon. “Not all dragons spit fire!”
When the party barbarian is named "Uthgar the Kind" some people don't think he's still capable of ripping someone apart when they piss him off. Those people are very, very wrong.
An immortal warrior with centuries of combat experience settles down to run an orphanage. Slave traders kidnap some of the children...big mistake.
You are the Black Knight, legendary for transferring your soul into your armor to become able to defeat a dragon long ago. Your body has long since withered away within your steel casing, but you continue to live a relatively normal life in an abandoned castle until a new threat arises.
The knight is asending the tower. With each floor, the opposition gets stronger. He can't stop himself from asking though. If his enemies get stronger the higher he goes, how come the princess is imprisonned in the uppermost floor?
The king, after hearing the prophecy about a child fated to depose them, decided to just let the events play out without interfering.
"are you another so called hero? here to save the princess from my clutches?" no, i am but a simple scholar. i just want to know why you would kidnap a princess in the first place"
You are an old dragon slayer who, in their old age, retired to an isolated farm. Recently a dragon has moved into a nearby cave and has been demanding tribute from you. Time to see whether you still got it.
A dragon has been demanding tribute of gold from a small village for years. And when they dinally hire a slayer to deal with it, the slayer finds a dragon thats barely a hatchling
On ancient maps, your village is in the jurisdiction of the undead. When the village is forcibly annexed, your write to the King of the Dead for help. A few days later, the occupiers are starting to panic. A skeleton army can be seen in the distance marching towards the village.
You used to be the scourge of kingdoms, the reaper of heroes and the mere mention of your name scared even the toughest of them. But today no one remembers you and you are fine with that. You have lived in peace ever since until one day a stranger approaches you and calls you by your true name.
The royal family decide to visit the hero who saved the kingdom from destruction to honor him. Instead of living in a grand palace surrounded by treasure however, they find him in the fields of a small farm, humbly tending to his own crops.
When the king's army drafted you, you planned on faking your death in battle and waiting for a chance to return home. You were so good at fighting that you never got the chance and just kept getting promoted.
An enemy nation has come to steal the royals child as ransom. Here’s the thing, they got things mixed up and stole your kid… you’re the royal necromancer.
You are a bartender in a fantasy tavern. Different races have vastly different tolerances for alcohol, so you need to make your drinks have different potencies depending on who you are serving. You just unknowingly served a shot meant for an orc to a changeling disguised as an orc.
"This child will not die in a bed. Instead their death will be bloody and violently for they shall fall in war." The witch cursed the child and the king, with a tear going down, says "Thank you..."
You are an ancient dragon, the king has sent many soldiers to slay you all have failed. Then one day a man with leather armor wielding an iron sword. You get into your fighting stance, he then speaks up and says “the king killed my family and everything I love, will you help me?”
When the zombie apocalypse came, everyone raided gun stores. Except you. You raided a medieval armory and now, armed with full plate armor and a long sword, you will take back your home
You accidentally saved a princess from a tower. Now she won't stop following you, blabbing about "true love."
To get the eternal glory of a warriors death, you have to die fighting. You remembered this as the third village in a row surrendered before you could even draw your sword. You are a legendary old viking, and you're getting worried.
You, a heroic paladin have successfully slain a fearsome dragon. But the dragon warns you that death is but a door, and dragons don't die, they reincarnate. You paid it no mind....until your son was born with golden, slitted eyes.
A knight is returning to the kingdom with the kidnapped princess where he will be rewarded for his success. The princess is attempting to seduce the knight but is declined each time though not out of chivalry. Instead, it is because he is already married and is devoted to his wife.
You are a great warrior that heroically fell in defence of your city. As a reward the gods resurrected you to be the its eternal defender. Now, centuries later, your city has been abandoned and is nothing more than rubble, but your mission remains. You will defend these ruins with your life.
You haven’t been in a temple for years. Your prayers are usually lip service. You have been ostracized by your community and your family shuns you. You have helped heathens and enemies of the church find sanctuary. Yet the Gods still find you worthy of your Paladin abilities.
You were once the Lord Lich, but after finding love you faked your death to settle down as a farmer. With your minions you can plow and sow many fields, after many years and burying your lover you’ve come to peace with the world and just in time for the heroes have finally found you.
"I don't wanna be a warrior!" You shout, looking at the magic sword your Mom has shoved into your hands. "But you like books, don't you? Look around us, do you see many books in the village? No. You know who has them? Evil sorcerors and wizards who fell in battle, or the trolls who slayed them."
A member of the Thieves Guild is trying to sneak into a noble’s castle, but she’s dummy thicc, and the clap of her ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards.
When the Princess made a declaration to fuck whoever took the dragon down she didn't expect it to be a trained team of twelve mercenaries.
Taking advantage of the legality of duels, the town bully challenged a 10 year old to a duel to punish the parents. He didn’t count on a pissed off knight declaring he is the kid’s stand in.
You created a device to travel back in time, you chose the ice age but when you arrived you appeared in the middle of a battle between orcs, men and elves. What's worse you device has been damaged and now your stuck in the past.
He walked slowly, covered in blood, with his sword held in his hand. His armor broken, his army dead, he takes his stance once more against at least a thousand.
A sentient suit of living armor wields a possessed sword and a mimic in the form of a shield. The suit of armor becomes a knight and they go on adventures together.
The adventurer looks you in the eye. "Hey, blacksmith... you do realize that my sister is trying to flirt with you when she comes into your shop and 'waits' practically half-naked while you repair her armor, right?"
A knight rescues a beautiful princess, finds out his squire is in fact a girl, and draws the attention of the amorous dryad stalking their campsite. It's going to be a busy night.
The fact that she wasn't allowed to marry gave some people the wrong idea about her vows. Her order's paladins were actually encouraged to engage *exclusively* in casual sex...

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