Reddit Writing Prompt Search

You're an Evil Overlord who has ruled over you dominion for ages. Your secret? Social services are well funded, orphanages are places of love, the pediatric wings in hospitals are state of the art. Thanks to this no child has the tragic backstory necessary to become the hero that defeats you.
There’s a city divided into 4 districts, govern by factions: knights on the north, pirates on the south, samurais on the east and cowboys on the west. And on the middle stands the only being that keeps the balance: the strongest and the wisest, the peacekeeper, and it’s you, The Bartender.
As a teen, you daydreamed and wrote about a fictional world you created. Ten years later, you’ve now started hearing voices. They’re prayers from the inhabitants of your world. To them, it has been 1,000 years since their god abandoned them and you must make things right.
You are on trial for attempting to assassinate the King. Unknown to anyone but you and His Majesty, you were actually trying to stop him from killing himself. When you request a trial by combat, he ceremoniously accepts. Your opponent? The King himself.
You are the Evil Overlord. You have kidnapped the princess. Unfortunately, she developed Stockholm Syndrome. And she is far more evil and insane than you are.
In the afterlife each religion has its own walled city in which their god or pantheon protects the believers within from the soul-gnawing horrors outside, while atheists are left on their own
The hero has been defeated, the Dark Lord reigns. It seems like nobody can stop him, but then he surprises everyone by actually being a good leader, or at least better then the warring kings that used to rule this land. He's even funding science, if only because he wants to conquer the moon.
Two warlords agree that their newfound peace contract between their peoples would be best sealed with a marriage. With no available daughters, sisters, nieces or female cousins on either side, the two conclude they must marry each other.
Those who die in battle go to Valhalla, those who die by water or lightning go to Tlālōcān, and those who die while driving have their own mysterious afterlife. All drivers throughout time, whether they died in cars, on a horse, in a carriage, etc., end up here. Welcome to the Hotel California.
The only reason the world hasn't ended yet is because the Gods are locked in a war to determine who's version of Apocalypse will take place. Unbeknownst to them, a minor God has been slowly working towards his version for millennia, and the rest are finally starting to catch on.
Two kings have been engaged in a bitter war for over a decade, each one performing strategic marvels from his throne. Unknown to both of them. Both of their armies have long since shaken hands and gone home as friends. The entire kingdom is in on it.
You are the immortal overlord which has plagued the land for centuries. After years you have discovered a life hack to getting what you want. Simply spread rumors that the things you want are part of a prophecy to kill you and they'll bring it right to you.
The king has the ability to see team colors. Everyone who's working towards the same goal as a group appears to be wearing the same color, regardless of what color their clothes actually are. This makes conspiring against him really, really hard.
A lazy prince is suddenly thrust into power, he constantly tries to push his work on to others or find ways to get out of working but his laziness is continually misconstrued into genius and revolutionary ideas.
"You think I'm trying to get revenge for my father that was the king or lord or whatever title you could pull out of your head? No, my father was one of those incompetent and harmless guards you killed!
It is said that, once a decade an angry dragon will destroy a castle, once a century a furious dragon will burn down a city and once a millenia an outraged dragon will use it's gold to collapse an empire.
The 10 sit around the table in horror as the final decision is revealed. Their stomachs sink as they all remember the last time the entire Guild of Dentists were in agreement.
Offering the dragon marriage into the royal family had been a power play on the king's part, a way to intimidate the kingdom's enemies. He had not anticipated the dragon actually accepting the offer.
Though the Demon King likes to think of himself as evil, his idea of evil is... PG-13, for the lack of a better word. Compared to the medieval atrocities of the previous human kings, it's one hell of an improvement.
You rule a tiny kingdom and all of your citizens are monsters. You gave them a place they can belong, and they'll defend it to their dying breaths.
You are the newest dragon advisor for the royal family. Your predecessors favor cryptic advice like beware the red rose or cast a stone in the river shaped like a serpent. Your advice is more straightforward like “don’t marry your cousin” or “your daughter would make a better ruler.”
When the last king died you usurped the throne and exiled their heir. Knowing how these stories usually play out, you expected them to return to challenge you for the throne. What you did not expect was that almost everyone would stand behind you against the dead king's child.
"Father Christmas!" called out the Lord of Halloween across the bloody fields of November. "Your campaign of expansion shall go no further! On my honor, one of us will die before you set foot on October soil! ...We were friends once, Father Christmas! Don't make me destroy you!"
Unjustly exiled from your village by your loved ones and friends, including your childhood friend/love interest, you vowed never to forgive them. You and other species' exiles founded a prosperous city-state. A delegation from your old village has arrived to try to negotiate trading rights.
The King of Darkness has died to a sudden illness. His lackeys are tearing his realm apart in a massive anarchic free-for-all. The Heroes are now sent to his castle - not to kill him, but to find and actually bother to read his will.
"Evil? What makes you think i'm evil?" they said, their skull throne creaking as they shifted their weight. They turned to look at their demonic bodyguard "do you think i look evil?" with a voice filled with genuine concern.
Your small, otherwise unimpressive, kingdom is suddenly one of the strongest powers in the land. This is due to the sole reason that, unlike other rulers, you're happy to work with the local orcs, goblins, dragons, and several other races that are usually attacked on sight.
"My lady," said the Prophet. "The kingdom is in danger. Seek out the kind and noble heroes: Face Mauler the Dreaded, Skull Crusher the Mad, the Man-Eating Giant, and Barry. Talk to them and they will help you in your quest."
They said that you could never save the kingdom, that you would fail and die miserably, because you were not the prophesized hero. And when you returned after saving the realm on your own, instead of welcoming you as a hero the king banished you, as it was not your place to save them.
You are the evil overlord. You've ruled the world with an iron fist. But after you quit being an overlord as you couldn't deal with all the paperwork, a clumsy young female hero burst through your door every day claiming to end your reign. This is her 58th attempt.
You have failed and your foes have achieved their long sought goal of reviving their God-king. Everyone expected him to lead the final assault and solidify his rule once and for all. Turns out, he's actually a pretty chill guy and immediately calls the whole thing off.
You are The Evil King, and you are looking down at the body of your most fearsome and deadly fighter; all you can see is the orphaned baby girl you found all those years ago in the remains of a destroyed village.
“Why should I?” Says the disgraced inheritor of the kingdom. “Why should I go back in royalty? When I can go to an adventure and to meet and save people!” “Why should I inherit the mistakes of my father?” “After all, you people shunned me.” “And no, I’m not coming back and thats final!”
A prophecy comes out that your child will become the Hero to defeat the great evil when they come of age. You decide that’s too much for a kid and intend to ensure the great evil isn’t going to live that long.
The king is hailed as a hero by the poor people of the kingdom for his reforms that improve their lives. What they don't know is that the king hates poor people above all else; how they look, how they smell, everything. To him, the reforms are simply a way to have fewer poor people.
Since it didn't sink in at your coronation, let me be clear: I am the KINGDOM'S magical guard, not the King's... and lately your cruelty and stupidity have become dangerous.
“The Hero is a fraud! The Dark Lord resurrection is a lie! The Hero and The Pottery Guild are working together to take money away from you. Don’t let the Hero destroy your pottery!”
The worst part of being the most powerful archmage is dealing with pompous kings and nobles who come complaining after you reject their equally pompous progeny from being your apprentice.
As the princess and heir apparent of the kingdom you are the most sought after woman in the whole kingdom, with suitors lining up every day to ask for your hand in marriage. Today you finally accept the proposal of a suitor, causing a massive scandal.
You were a beloved ruler of your country. When the evil king/ queen tried to conquer your country, you fought to the death to protect your country. Seeing how much your people loved you, the evil king/ queen proposes that you two marry to merge your countries. You accept for your country's sake.
“You were supposed to be the greatest evil this world has ever seen!” “A person can be good or bad. I just chose to be good.”
“Isn’t that the armor of the evil lord we went on a long journey to defeat? You know, the symbol of our oppression? Why would you ever wear that?”
Thousands of years ago, the conjoined efforts of all races managed to strike down and imprison you. Once you returned, you find them all scattered, divided and squabbling with themselves. This won't do, so you set out to put order in the house for the sake of a good and proper war.
The shy, bookish heir to the throne is nothing like their hedonistic father, but they’re forced to step into his shoes when he passes away. While the actual ruling of the kingdom is going fine, they have no idea how to deal with the advances of the late king’s harem.
You are the maid of a young noblewoman who has just come to you with the strangest story. According to her, the world you live in is that of a 'video game', and she's the villainess of said game who wound up either executed or dead. Now she wants to avoid her fate, and needs your help to do so.
You find out your Girlfriend is literally the Queen of an entire existential Dimension
A bunch of virgins are about to be sacrificed to a god. They are all kept in the same cell and decide to have a massive orgy so that they won't be virgins and then they can't be sacrificed anymore.
Princess Wendy lives in the White Castle of the Burger Kingdom. Her father, the Burger King, recently appointed five notable suitors for her to judge. Except these Five Guys are all really hot, and they all want her fresh cakes just as much as she wants all of their "large fries".
A paranoid King locks away his only daughter in an isolated, luxurious palace/gilded cage with a full staff of female servants. She's not complaining... she's a lesbian.
Every year the Kingdom of Humans send us such amazing gifts like horses, grain and wood. But all we can scrunge up to give back are common objects like fireblades, warding rings and hellhounds. You fear for our diplomatic ties if we can't start matching their generosity soon.

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