Reddit Writing Prompt Search

Following World War III, all the nations of the world agree to 50 years of strict isolation from one another in order to prevent additional conflicts. 50 years later, the United States comes out of exile, only to learn that no one else went into isolation.
When you’re 28, science discovers a drug that stops all effects of aging, creating immortality. Your government decides to give the drug to all citizens under 26, but you and the rest of the “Lost Generations” are deemed too high-risk. When you’re 85, the side effects are finally discovered.
Every human has a 'luck rating' - a number from 1-100 that defines how lucky they can be. Born with a rating of 100, you're confined in a maximum security prison. You think your luck should get you out easily - that is, until you see that all the other inmates also have luck ratings of 100.
Everyone with the same name shares knowledge. If one Bob gets a degree in electrical engineering, then all Bob's have this knowledge readily available. Soon, everyone starts naming their kids similar names until factions form. Your parents rebelled and named you something original.
When you reach 18, you get put in a database which ranks you in different categories (ex. 207,145th in the world for most bug kills) You lived on a ranch and never used tech. You had to go into town after your 18th birthday. Everyone is staring at you. You finally decide to check the database.
As an average looking genius with a weak physique you often envied athletes. After thousands of years spent in a cryogenics pod you are woken to discover that evolution has weakened humanity while IQ improved. You're now the strongest most attractive person, but also the dumbest.
Every intelligent, skilled or rich human has been evacuated from the Earth to avoid the alien invasion. This leaves the dregs, criminals and the poor behind on Earth to fend for themselves. Centuries later, the other return to "liberate" Earth only to find that they have won and prospered.
You are part of a circle of scientists that have collaborated to fake the world into believing the sun was going supernova. As the generation ships carrying the rich, the flawed, the zealous, and the privileged leave Earth you decide its time to rebuild -the right way.
Domino's pizza has offered free pizza for life to anyone who tattoos their logo on their body. Now other food chains are following that idea, but with increasingly absurd requirements, and the poor have turned themselves into walking advertisements just so they can eat with each passing day.
Everyone is born with 1-100 tally marks tattooed on their arm. The higher your number, the more valuable you are and the more successful you will be. You bully a kid because he is obviously hiding a low score. One day, he rolls up his sleeve to show an infinity symbol.
When you reach the age of 21, you are given a check from the government. The check has been carefully calculated and is worth the minimum amount of money you need for the rest of your life. Your check came in the mail today and it was $7.27
After being kidnapped you wake up in a room where the only thing to keep you occupied is a computer with access to just wikipedia. After 2 years you are taken to an illegal gameshow as 1 of 10 contestants, if you are eliminated, you die.
Universities are the safest place in the post-post apocalyptic world. They protect and cultivate the bright minds that will rebuild the world. You get invited to attend, but your scholarship doesn't cover room & board. You have to commute through the dangerous wasteland to get to class on time.
Suddenly, everyone’s life is worth 100,000 USD. Kill someone, and $100,000 is instantly deposited into your bank account, no questions asked. But, your life is now worth $200,000.
You are sentenced to a famous prison. You are not sentenced by time your stay only ends if you die or escape. There are no guards and the prison is broadcast on television. No one has ever escaped.
People do not get weaker and more frail as they age - they get stronger and stronger. "Dying of old age" is when groups of young people band together to kill off their elders before they become too strong to defeat.
To solve the problems of overpopulation, all the governments in the world agree to only allow some of their citizens to reproduce—these people are chosen by lottery. After eight or nine generations, an unintended consequence begins to show up: humans have evolved to be unbelievably lucky.
Humanity split into subspecies: Alters, who alter their genes, Augmented, who augment flesh with machines, and Ascended, who uploaded their consciousness. After centuries of coexistence, the tenuous peace between the ideologies is threatened.
Rather than being dispatched by a dispatcher, police officers use a bounty system where officers can pick up missions from a constantly updated bounty board. The missions range from: "noise complaint, $20", to "domestic abuse, $150", to "bank robbery in progress, $5000".
Every person has a button they can press at night that deposits a large sum of money to their bank account. However, the first person to press it each night is horrifically killed.
The year is 2045, countries as we know them no longer exist as the world has now been divided into Feudal States under the control of Multinational corporations. You are a Noogler, Googles peasant class, and your village is being attacked by the Elite Disney Imagineer Squadron.
Doing good deeds gains you negative years in prison. People collect these negative years for use when they want to commit crimes. As a result, the world's greatest philanthropists are also the most dangerous criminals.
Job hunts are literally that: You seek out the job you desire and kill the one who has it, or even engage them in ritual combat to claim the job as your own. You have just turned of age and desire your first minimum wage job.
Humans have discovered how to live forever, allowing them to die when they feel ready to do so. But it is considered bad form to live for too long. You have lingered much longer than is polite and those around you are trying to convince you to die.
Rather than robots replacing human workers, both are mistreated by the rich as cheap labour. The eventual uprising wasn't just robots alone, but the poor and robots together, against their common enemy.
People now gain immortality by transferring their consciousness to robots, by purchase or lease. The poor rent; the poorest live from paycheck to paycheck. You work for a conglomerate as a repossessor. To not feel like a murderer, you started storing people's consciousness on your old computer.
Physicists create a machine to travel into the future. The wealthy elite travel 100 years into the future to capitalize on long-term investments and access better technology. But in the century they are gone, society changes dramatically.
Every year, the richest person in the country is declared the, "Winner of Capitalism". They get a special badge, and then all their money, assets and everything that they own are donated to charity so they have to start back up again at $0.
Ever since joining the galactic society, humanity has been in a golden age of peace, restoration, and learning. We just learned that we are, in truth, the newest slave world of an evil empire, most people just had it so bad that it's still a step up.
All children under the age of 13 vanishes with only a note left behind that says "Due to humans not caring about the future of their young, all children have been relocated. If you truly love (Name), you will not intervene as we restart your race. -Signed 'The Protectors'"
Everyone received the exact amount of money they would need for the rest of their life. Most people got many thousands or even millions, while you were given exactly five bucks.
Many ages ago Death was defeated and sealed. Immortality is the norm, but the loss of death has lead to a society of ultralites that rule over never dying slaves. As Death's first reaper after the unsealing, you are here to remind them why Death exists... and why your master should be feared.
In a country were an unbeatable truth serum with a verified 0% false positive rate is routinely used on all political candidates, the revelation that one candidate is completely clean of any misdeeds is considered terrifying by everyone (voters included) instead of reassuring.
“Your child is a static. One in a million disorder. They’re unable to shapeshift and will be stuck in their human form for their entire life. Hell of a thing, I’m sorry.”
Every year, Earth has to send 10 tributes to participate in the intergalactic battle royale. Everytime, the tributes are massacred and solely entertainment for other races. Except for this year.
Nearing the end of Earth, humanity united to send passenger ships across the universe the preserve the species. But that's not your story, you're one of the ones deemed unfit to send.
After a devastating war, 95% of men are dead, and woman now outnumber them 20:1. In an effort to increase the population, men are banned from all "unsafe" jobs. Years later the laws are still in place, and men are sociality expected to be househusbands and sex objects for women.
A schoolgirl wakes up in an alternate reality. In this world, men can have sex with women whenever they feel the desire, and she can't say no regardless of position. They have no concept of rape; this is just how things have always been.
A world where people are slaves to their sexual instincts. Horny? you HAVE to masturbate. Your hand will be down your pants no matter how much you don't want it to. Find someone sexy? Well, then you'll be stripping whether you want to or not.
In a world where minor crimes are punished with sexual humiliation rather than jail time, Ashley is caught shoplifting. She pleads innocence.
After many years, Gender Equality has won in the Free Use world. No longer it’s just men that can demand sexual favors of women, it’s everyone to everyone now. And honestly people have never enjoyed it more.
They have their reasons keeping you alive but you wish they had killed you with the rest of humanity.
Virginity past the age of 20 is lethal for humans. This has resulted in two things. The late 19s rush has lead to large portions of the population sharing a birth month, namely March, and sex during that month spikes massively. Some introverts have to resort to desperate measures.
Last month your city passed a law/set of laws that fits your fetish to a scary degree and it's getting harder to go about your day pretending you don't like it at this point.
A school boy wakes up in an alternate reality. in this world women have sex with men whenever they want, and he can’t say no regardless of position. they have no concept of rape; this is just how it’s always been.
You have never left your house. Your parents claimed it was too dangerous. But after their deaths, you finally leave and find an undocumented first individual of a new species, you are in a LOT of danger.
At 18 everyone is given vibrator tests to assess their social status; the most disciplined and longest-lasting move into the high ranks of elite power and pleasure, while premature ejaculators and weak-willed fall into obscurity. No one knows how long they have to last.
The students are a little confused by the school having "uniform underwear", and by the odd devices in the crotch of it, until the teacher announces, "for each answer you get correct, you'll be rewarded with pleasure"
Every day the student who scores the lowest in the class becomes the class pet, strips naked ,wears a collar and goes around the class waiting for commands from their masters their classmates. Only if they could share properly.
To prevent virgin shaming, all students have to attend a mandatory class at 18 where they wil have sex with a classmate.

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