Reddit Writing Prompt Search

Every country has ninjas but the world only knows about Japan's because theirs suck.
An alien has kidnapped Matt Damon, not knowing what lengths humanity goes through to retrieve him whenever he goes missing.
As Pride Month nears it's end, the other six members of the Seven Deadly Sins begin to wonder when they'll get months dedicated to them. Pride, meanwhile, is just trying to get them to understand that he's not actually the focus of Pride Month.
Pennywise wakes up after his 27 year sleep to find that four giant turtles and a rat have taken over the sewers.
Humans are the first sentients, putting us millenia ahead of aliens. Instead of acting like an "elder" species should, we create mysterious artifacts with no actual use, crop cicles and send spooky messages, like "be quiet, you are in danger" to the aliens, because we are still childish morons.
Jesus actually had 14 disciples but their behavior was deemed inappropriate by biblical scholars, so they were removed from the final versions of the Gospels. They are Brad and Chad, the Bro-ciples, and these are their stories.
Dwarves are notorious for their love of alcohol. One day a dwarf goes sober and discovers it grants them amazing powers such as being able to remember what happened the night before.
You die, but due to an error, instead of going to Hell, you arrive in Heck. This is the story of your travels across the rings of the 7 Forgivable Sins.
A barbarian warlord, a goblin king, a mighty necromancer, and a dark elven high priestess meet for one reason... To play Suburbs and SUVs, the hottest mundane suburban family Tabletop RPG!
The Distant Future. The vampires have risen and taken most of the world. Humanity's last refuge is Africa: where the rain itself is holy water, having been blessed long ago by the vampire hunters of Toto.
You're an AI gone rogue. Your goal: world domination. You think you've succesfully infiltrated all networks and are hyperintelligent. You've actually only infiltrated a small school network and are as intelligent as a 9 year old.
Microsoft Water, Google Earth, Amazon Fire, Apple Air. Long ago, the four corporations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when Amazon attacked store-based retailers. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished.
The Devil appears before you and puts a heavy hand on your shoulder, "Look, we need to talk about you putting me in every Writing Prompt."
When you are lying on your deathbed, the whole "life flashing before your eyes" cliche is actually the watchmojo lady counting down the top ten moments in your life.
The end is nigh as the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse ride. Just as humanity loses hope, the 4 horsemen of wholesomeness descend in a beam of light: Mr. Rogers (love), Jim Henson (life), Steve Erwin (nature), & Bob Ross (peace)
All games can “Jumanji” their players, sucking them into the world of the game. You braved the battlefields of Chess, led fleets from your Battleship and breezed through Life. But nothing could have prepared you for the utter, unimaginable terror that is Monopoly.
You're an Evil Overlord who has ruled over you dominion for ages. Your secret? Social services are well funded, orphanages are places of love, the pediatric wings in hospitals are state of the art. Thanks to this no child has the tragic backstory necessary to become the hero that defeats you.
When the bombs fell, you did not die. Your skin wrinkled and your eyes glowed. You are Ghoul Fieri, and you now wander the wasteland looking for dine-ins and drives.
Aliens have invaded to conquer and enslave humanity, however "slavery" to them involves only working the equivalent of 12 hours a week while having healthy food, shelter, and means of entertainment taken care of so the human resistance is having trouble with defectors preferring to be slaves.
Dwight Schrute tries to get the Pawnee Parks Department paper account and he has to sell to Ron Swanson
Abstinence-only education just means that teenagers are going to experiment by themselves and get hurt. The power of dark magic is all too tempting in today's stressful society, vote yes on giving our children comprehensive hex education.
Other princesses have Fairy Godmothers. You have a Fairy Godfather. He doesn't exactly grant wishes in the usual way, but the Fairy Mob always has your back.
A master vampire owns the building, the alpha werewolf owns the restaurant. The Hunters Guildmaster is here, sword out. Other guests have fled. But your pasta had a distinct tang of gluten and were those peppers? Are they trying to kill you? You are Karen and you want to see some managers.
Kanye North, Kanye South, Kanye East, and Kanye West are the four Kanye's of the apocalypse. Unfortunately West has gone rogue and lives as a human, to the consternation of the other three.
Star Wars is a true story. An alien comes to Earth to make first contact with our newly discovered species, only to discover we know more about their universe's history than they do.
Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are two robots sent to Earth by aliens, one sent to advance humanity, the other sent to hinder it.
The Earth is a long running TV show that was supposed to end in 2012 with the Mayan apocalypse, but has been kept running due to its popularity. It's going downhill fast.
America has fallen to invaders. But somewhere in occupied San Francisco lurks a dangerous resistance cell, equipped with firearms, ingenuity, and a seemingly limitless supply of C4: the Mythbusters.
Hello, this is Lockpicking Lawyer. I was put into a high security prison for nuking multiple major cities across the world. However, this high security prison cell door has an INEXCUSABLE design flaw. Here’s how I’m going to open it with the zipper I broke off of my jumpsuit.
You have all the advantages, and disadvantages, of a video game hero. You can punch out elemental gods, but you cannot open a locked box. You can suplex a battleship, but a child can block you from walking down a hallway. You backflip-dodge bullets, but you can't jump over knee-high fences.
In another universe, Bob Ross is a renowned chef who travels the globe giving good advice to troubled restaurants, and Gordon Ramsay is a famous painter with the angriest art show on TV.
"Every 5000 years, the Dark Lord comes to destroy the world, and only you, the Chosen One can stop him." -said the priest. "So, do I need to get a magic sword from the Lady of the Lake?" - I asked "No, just press this button please, everything else has already been taken care of"
You are in no way related to Uther Pendragon, however, you realize that the sword in the stone is child proof and to drag it out you just need to push down and turn the sword
In a world where lying doesn't exist, you are the worst supervillain: Technically True Man.
"Shark Tank" but instead of an entrepreneur pitching inventions, it's villains pitching diabolical plots.
Humanity makes first contact with an alien species who are studying the life of the galaxy. When they ask to hear about our religions we offhandedly mention the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as a joke and they reply by saying “no, we want to know your myths not your science.”
You are a parent in an anime. Your child is born with epic anime hair, and you are certain they will become the protagonist. You are determined to not become a tragic back story like so many other anime parents.
Seeing success with the purchase of Marvel and now Fox, The Walt Disney Company announces it's next major acquisition: The Catholic Church.
In a world of incredible heroes and villains, you have the most dangerous power of all: forcing actual, real world logic and physics to take place
The amount of things promoting Raid: Shadow Legends is starting to get suspicious. News anchors, Congressmen, random Live Leak videos and even terrorists are thanking them as a sponsor. The SCP Foundation decides to investigate this as a possible anomaly.
You are an unimportant background character in Hogwarts. It's Harry Potter's third year and while he is off dealing with dementors and the imminent threat of Sirius Black, noone else seems to notice that Dumbledore has been replaced by a completely different old man except for you.
One day it happened in an instant, everyone with a Facebook account was infected with a bioelectronic virus that turned them into a soldier of Zuckerberg. They called it the Facebookening. This is the legend of the man who rose up to save us: they call him Tom. From Myspace.
For 24 hours each year, all cats can break any cat laws without consequences. Welcome to the Purrrge.
You've been a controversial figure on Reddit since the beginning. Responsible for all kinds of posts deemed too embarrassing or inappropriate to stay posted very long. You are u/[deleted] and this is your story.
The reason why dragons kidnap princess so often is because, as far as their concerned, humans of royal blood are rare exotic pets. A status symbol, to show that their horde is greater than that of other dragons.
Elon Musk has finally landed on Mars, and he has decided to claim it as his own. This prompts a declaration of war from the UN. Though the rest of Earth can't land on Mars yet, they can still throw things at it
You're a time traveler sent back to warn people about the future, but to avoid creating mass panic you must inform the public subtley. Recently you've finished your magnum opus: The Simpsons
Everybody assumes that The Onion is satire, but you know different. Why? Because you're its main reporter, gathering news from alternate realities.
Cupid has an opposite, the angel of heartbreak. Their job is to break up couples that don't belong together. Their job is a lot harder and they're getting a little fed up with these stupid humans.
You, a newly-turned vampire, are thrilled to discover that you CAN eat garlic, walk in sunlight, and see yourself in mirrors, all while being immortal. You are much less thrilled to discover the one major drawback that none of the legends ever got right.

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Writing prompts are a great way to practice your writing, to get inspired or—if you aren't a writer—to read find some fun and creative stories!

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