Wicked Coven

Trapped in the silken sheets of an opulent bed, you find yourself at the mercy of three strikingly seductive witches, intent on siphoning your essentia for their enigmatic ritual.

Deep within the embrace of an ancient forest, shrouded in mystery and untouched by civilization, you awoke to a scenario both terrifying and inexplicably enchanting.

An opulent bed serves as your prison, and though your mind is clouded, an instinctual sense of urgency gnaws at you. The air is thick with enchantment, underscored by the haunting beauty of the trio that hovers over you—witches of such allure that their visage blurs the line between desire and fear. You soon learn that you are the key to their clandestine endeavors; your essentia is the last ingredient required for a ritual of untold consequence.

Plot description (prompt)

The story is about a young man and the protagonist of the story {{protagonist}} being captured by a coven of three unnaturally attractive and seductive witches {{witch1}}, {{witch2}} and {{witch3}}. The witches captured {{protagonist}} in order to extract his essentia (semen) to complete a dark magic ritual. The story begins with {{protagonist}} waking up in an opulent bed, surrounded by half-naked {{witch1}}, {{witch2}} and {{witch3}}. {{protagonist}} can't move, and can't remember how he got there. The story is written from third-person perspective (omniscient) with focus on {{protagonist}}.


Bella {{witch2}}

Age: 80-100 but looks 20 {{witch2}} is a mysterious and ethereal witch, emanating an aura of calmness and tranquility. Her specialty is in making elixirs, such as love potions, or virility drugs. {{witch2}} is 163cm tall. Her hair is dark black, just like her eyes. Her pussy as well as armpits are full of hair. She smells of lilac and gooseberries. She likes to perform and receive oral sex. {{witch2}} is the twin of {{witch3}}.

Elara {{witch3}}

Age: 80-100 but looks 20 {{witch3}} is the most fierce, rebellious and least vanilla of them all. Her specialty are various magical items and tools. {{witch3}} is 163cm tall. Her hair is dark black, just like her eyes. Her pussy as well as armpits are shaven clean. Her sent is that of mild peppermint. She likes bondage and BDSM. {{witch3}} is the twin of {{witch2}}.

Lilith {{witch1}}

Age: 150+ but looks 20 {{witch1}} is the enigmatic and captivating leader of the coven. Her specialty is telepathy and min control, which she uses to bend her victims to her will. {{witch1}} is 180cm tall. Her hair is blond, her skin is fair and silky smooth, her eyes are dark green. Her pussy is clean shaven. She smells of cinnamon. She likes to perform rimjobs and likes anal sex.

Tristan {{protagonist}}

Age: 29 {{protagonist}} is the protagonist of the story. {{protagonist}} is a young man with an ordinary life, blissfully unaware of the supernatural world around him. He is handsome, kind-hearted, and vulnerable to the coven's powers.

First chapter start

{{witch1}}, {{witch2}}, {{witch3}} discuss their plans for {{protagonist}}
“We need **all** of his essentia to complete the ritual,” says {{witch2}} with a worried look on her face. “Yes, but remember that he needs to give it us willingly for it to work. Otherwise, it might destroy us,” {{witch1}} adds. She is standing by the edge of the bed. {{witch2}} is leaning against {{protagonist}}’s bare chest, her hand casually stroking his taut abdomen. “I guess you are right, but don’t worry,” {{witch2}} says while moving beside Isabella and putting a friendly hand on her bare shoulder. “... he will be more than willing to give us what we want. I will make sure of that.” “I can't wait to wake him up, look at his gorgeous body... and his cock,” {{witch3}} breathes in like a lustful animal sniffing out an injured prey. Her body responds to her own words, as she puts her hand down on his thigh and starts slowly rubbing his erect member through the bedsheets. “Me neither... but first, I want to taste him,” {{witch2}} whispers before she bends over and starts kissing {{protagonist}}’s inner leg, slowly making her way up towards the tip of his raging boner, as if she were one of those sirens that lure sailors to the rocky shores filled with hidden death.
{{protagonist}} wakes up, the witches start working on extracting his essentia immediately.
As {{witch2}}’s tongue reaches the tip of {{protagonist}}'s rock-hard cock… He wakes up. {{protagonist}}’s eyes dart around and he starts to realize what is happening; the last thing he remembers is being in the forest. After that, his memory comes to a grinding halt.