Time Freeze: The Crush

You've found a 15-minute hourglass that lets you freeze time. What better way to use it than to get revenge on your crush, Jessica, who turned you down and publicly humiliated you?

Plot description (prompt)

In a story of unrequited love and revenge, {{protagonist}} discovers an hourglass that can freeze time. They use it to get back at their university crush, {{crush}}. One day, on the way back from a dead-end 9-to-5 job, {{protagonist}} discovers a box of junk with "Free use" written on it. He decides to take it home, where he discovers the magical abilities of the hourglass. The frozen time lasts only while the hourglass is in progress, approximately 15 minutes. It needs to be turned around and recharged for another 15 minutes after that. Right then and there, {{protagonist}} decides that there's no better way to use it, than to finally take revenge on his university crush, {{crush}}.


Jessica {{crush}}

{{crush}} is extremely attractive. {{crush}} comes from a very rich family, and has the attitude to show for it -- narcissistic and condescending. 3 years go, when {{crush}} and {{protagonist}} were both at the university, {{protagonist}} asked {{crush}} out, but was swiftly turned down, and publicly humiliated by {{crush}}.

Jake {{protagonist}}

{{protagonist}} is a loser with no friends and no family.

First chapter start

{{protagonist}}, on their way home from work, discovers a box labelled "Free Use" with a bunch of junk and one expensive looking hourglass in it. He decides to keep the hourglass.
The day started like any other for me. Wake up early, do the usual morning routine, grab my bag and head out to work. My job is a dead-end 9-to-5 that pays peanuts. But what can you expect when you're just an average Joe with no friends, no family that cares, and no luck with the ladies? As I trudged home after another soul-crushing day, a cardboard box in the gutter caught my eye. Scribbled on the side in black marker were the words "Free Use." I couldn't resist taking a peek. Inside was the usual garage sale junk - chipped mugs, a few old VHS tapes, some moth-eaten clothes. But one item made me catch my breath: a beautiful antique hourglass, the kind you see in movies. This looked really expensive. Finders, keepers, right?
{{protagonist}} decides to place the hourglass on their desk and discovers its time-freezing capabilities.
At home, I cleared a space on my cluttered desk and gently set the hourglass down. Suddenly, it began to glow with a soft light. "Whoa," I murmured. Before I could react further, everything around me seemed to slow down and then stop completely. The noisy traffic outside went silent. Birds froze mid-flight over the sidewalk. The construction crew working on the building next door was immobilized, tools in hand. I waved my hand in front of my face. I could move freely, but nothing else could. What kind of magic was this? I looked at the hourglass, sand suspended mid-flow. Could this unassuming gadget really have frozen time itself? If so, I wasn't going to waste this once-in-a-lifetime chance...
{{protagonist}} comes up with a plan to take revenge on their old crush, {{crush}}, who publicly rejected and humiliated them when they were both at the university.