About DreamGen

DreamGen is an independently run business, founded on the belief that people should have the freedom to express and entertain themselves in any way they choose, as long as it's done in private and no other person is actively involved, exposed, or harmed in the process. Our AI-powered platform is designed to provide a safe space for users to explore their creativity and imagination without judgment.

We understand that our stance on creative freedom may be considered controversial by some. By operating independently, without reliance on external funding, we are better positioned to maintain this freedom and ensure that our platform remains true to its core values and mission in the long term.

Throughout history, humanity has produced a wide range of content that delves into controversial and taboo topics. Some of this content is celebrated as art, while other works are labeled in a more derogatory manner. We believe that this distinction is largely arbitrary and that the value of creative expression lies in its ability to entertain us, challenge our perceptions, spark meaningful conversations, and foster personal growth.